Erm, that just happened

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"V! We can't hurt Uzi!" N follows V as she walks towards the woods. She ignores N. He turns towards Gordon "Mr. Freeman! Help me out! We can figure this out...right?" Gordon shrugs, unable to take sides. He doesn't want to hurt Uzi but after what Shephard told him AND what Uzi did with the arrow he's not sure if he has a choice. N looks away from Gordon, upset that he wouldn't help Uzi out. V finally turns to N "We do our jobs, and that thing leaves us -" N steps towards V angrily "I don't know what you're talking about BECAUSE YOU WON'T TELL ME!" V tries putting her hand on N's shoulder but he swats it away "What are you so afraid of?" V backs away, offended, she crosses her arms "I'm not afraid." N walks a bit forward "I am! Uzi is" He points towards Gordon "Mr. Freeman is!" He turns back to V "She's a kid! Like us, V! What is WRONG with you?" V doesn't respond. N turns to Gordon only to find him gone. He looks behind V to see a small figure disappear into the woods. N sighs, throwing the clipboard to V's feet "Look after the campers." He unfurls his wings and flies off. V watches him fly away. "Hot" V turns to see Lizzy, V glares at her "...Not hot? You're too good for him." V turns to the other students "Do whatever you want" she flies off.

Gordon keeps running, following Uzi's footprints as he goes. As he moves on the temperature begins to drop, Gordon despite the fact the heating system in the HEV suit is working fine still feels extremely cold. His sprint falls to a trudge through the snow. Eventually Uzi's footprints reach a cabin. He looks towards the cabin seeing that the windows and the door have been shut and locked...except for one broken window. He pulls out his revolver stepping closer to the shattered window only to find Rebecca. Her entire lower half is gone with a trail of oil being left behind as she crawls away. "" Gordon kneels down attempting to stop the bleeding. Rebecca however turns her head to see Gordon "Ew...nerd..." She coughs up oil and keeps crawling away. Gordon reaches out a hand but Rebecca slaps it away continuing to crawl "" Gordon pinches his nose in frustration. But his attention is soon shifted when he hears shuffling and...eating, coming from inside the cabin. Gordon peeks in to see...Uzi...or at least what he thought was Uzi. She was biting down on a severed limb. Large organic wings protrude from her back. Gordon watches terrified at what has become of his friend. He steps back only for him to accidentally step on a twig making it snap. The messy eating pauses. Gordon cautiously pulls out his shotgun aiming it at Uzi. He pauses waiting only to hear what sounds like vomiting. "G-gordon?...IS that you?" Gordon lowers his shotgun concerned for Uzi's wellbeing. "Run..." Gordon's eyes widened as sadistic giggling could be heard inside the cabin. The giggling turns to a full on laugh As Uzi crashes through the door lunging at Gordon. He swiftly dodges the attack as Uzi turns back to Gordon, the solver symbol on her visor, she grins fangs visible. Gordon didn't want to hurt Uzi but he didn't have much of a choice. Gordon cocked the shotgun, firing it at Uzi. She moves out of the way and scurries up a tree. Gordon looks around trying to find any signs of her. As he looks around he feels something liquid fall onto his HEV suit. He looks up to see UZi dangling from a branch grinning maliciously. Gordon takes the shotgun, firing it only for Uzi to quickly block the attack with her wings. Gordon uses the LJM to launch himself at Uzi, grabbing her by the throat as they both fly high above the trees. As Gordon keeps a hand on Uzi's throat he takes out his revolver with the other hand. He looks at Uzi and believes she's long gone and aims the revolver. However Gordon is bitten in the back. Uzi's mouth tail bites Gordon in the shoulder and flings him to the ground. MAJOR. LACERATION. DETECTED. AUTOMATIC. HEALTH SYSTEMS. ENGAGED. MORPHINE. ADMINISTERED. Gordon feels a burst of energy as he uses the LJM to boost himself towards Uzi as he takes out a Grenade throwing it. The Grenade explodes in front of Uzi and she falls to the ground. Gordon runs towards her pushing away branches as she goes. He looks up to see Uzi lying on the ground whimpering. Gordon steps towards her pulling out his revolver aiming at her head. Her visor is replaced with pleading eyes. Gordon shakes off the guilt as he gets ready to fire. "MR. FREEMAN! DON'T" Gordon is forcefully pushed off his feet by N with one of his eyes being an x. His wings are unfurled, protecting Uzi from any attacks. "We can't kill her, Mr. Freeman. She's not gone, please you have to trust me!" N pulls out a vhs type with the words Zombie Drones written on it. Gordon gets up confused by what this means, until a purple solver appears pushing N to the side. Uzi gets up giggling to herself as she throws up more oil. Gordon looks towards N with a pleading look while Gordon hesitantly nods. Gordon launches towards Uzi and they both fall down a hill towards the campground.

(IN STASIS) Assimilated Consequences: Half Life x Murder DronesWhere stories live. Discover now