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The cafeteria of West Brooke highschool was extremely packed with students, the smell of sweat and scented perfumes masking the air.

Every clique of students had their own designated sitting areas. There were the stereotypical group of nerds, the glee club, the outcasts, the group of friends from different categories be it nerds or cheerleaders.

The obnoxiously fake cheerleaders who sat amongst the athletes. Athletes that Beyoncé was all too familiar with. No she was not an athlete by any means and although her not being among any of these stereotypical groups was supposed to take down her highschool popularity by a lot it didn't.

She was friends with almost everyone on the sports team, making her popular by association. Not only that but the fact that she carried this special charm and aura around her that left not only the guys swooning but the girls as well.

Girls.. something she loved more than a whole lot of things. She was a player by choice. She just couldn't stick with one person for the life of her.

There was only one person in this world that had ever left her stuck, one person that had broken her heart to pieces. She'd promised never again to be vulnerable to a single soul.

"So.. are y'all coming for Aubrey's party tomorrow?" Beyoncé heard her friend Kelly ask as they all took a seat around their personally reserved cafeteria table.

"Yeah.. I guess, I mean I got nothing better to do." Robyn shrugged popping a fry into her mouth, the food they served in the cafeteria wasn't particularly bad but it sure wasn't the greatest either.

"Me too." Michelle chorused.

"What about you, B?" Kelly said focusing her attention on the blonde who had her attention elsewhere.

"I mean sure—if I feel up to it." She mumbled focusing her attention on her phone, she was currently texting a random person she'd met online, not gonna lie the person was quite funny.

They all fell into comfortable silence after that eating their food, until Beyoncé felt a subtle nudge on her arm, she looked up seeing Kelly.

"That girl's staring at you again." she whispered smirking.

Beyoncé looked around the cafeteria her eyes landing on the weird glasses girl staring at her, the girl immediately looked away when she realized she'd been caught..

It'd been like that for almost a whole week now.. and it was really beginning to irk the blonde.

"I swear that girl is in love with you." Robyn said listening in on their silent conversation.

"Can y'all stop, the girl is a weirdo plus I could never date someone like that!" Beyoncé stated sternly with a look of disgust on her face.

"No one said to date her B.. unless you secretly do?" Michelle asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"Y'all are so annoying!" Beyoncé frowns in frustration.

"You know you love us." Kelly smiled receiving a nod from the other two.

"Sadly.. but anyways I'm going to the library, so see y'all after school?" Beyoncé questioned getting up knowing that she didn't have anymore classes with them throughout the day.

"Sure." They chorused. She gave them a nod and started moving in the direction of the library..


As Beyoncé sat down in the library reading a history book, trying to figure out if she'd find a few answers for her history project she couldn't help but feel that same eery feeling of someone watching her.. again.

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