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"Doing this project shouldn't take us that long. We should be done in a day." Onika says silently commending herself for not stuttering once, although the eye contact thing would take longer to do.

She looks around at the other students in the class discussing with their project partners or doing their own thing before finally looking back over at Beyoncé.

"Why finish it in a day when we have enough time to get it done?" The blonde whispers out leaning in to an already flustered looking Onika who clears her throat leaning back a bit.

"Uh.. y-yeah. We don't have to r-rush it." Wow.. just when she was commending herself for not stuttering.



It's Thursday now, it was during recess that Beyoncé had skipped out on her friends to hangout with Onika. The group still weren't in support of Beyoncé's relations with the girl but decided to just stop bothering her about it.

She was old enough to think for herself and if she just so managed to fuck things up then she could face the consequences on her own.

"Hi." The blonde smiles walking towards the secluded area in the library where Onika sat with her books spread out in front of her.

"Hi." The raven haired looks up smiling shyly, she adjusted the glasses on her face and somehow Beyoncé couldn't help but find that motion extremely cute.

Everything about Onika was.

She takes a seat on the one opposite hers, placing her bag besides herself as she looks down at what the raven haired had already written so far.

"So I did some research last night and I thought we could do Anaïs Nin, I feel like Shakespeare and Rumi are just too common, I already know a lot of people in the class are gonna go with that. I want ours to stand out."

"Mhmm.." Beyoncé nods yet she wasn't listening to a single thing that was coming out of her mouth. Her mouth, something she had her eyes fixated on, she wouldn't mind putting her lips on her in this moment.

"Hey. Are you even listening?"

"Uh.. yeah."

"Ok then. What was the last thing I said?"

"Umm.. we should kiss?"

Onika just straight faces her, she liked Beyoncé a lot and trust that statement did make her feel flustered but they were supposed to be doing an assignment right now and one thing she didn't play about was her grades.

"Oh come on, we have till Monday. It's only Thursday!" Beyoncé groans out sliding down a little on the chair in boredom.

"So.. what should we do then?" Onika questions feeling like she was beginning to get boring. She didn't want the blonde to lose interest in their conversation.. or her.

"Ouu.. let's play twenty one questions."

Onika hesitates at first but finally gives in.. "Uh.. sure."

"I'll go first. What's your full name?" Funny how they were close enough to the point of kissing and going over to each other's houses, yet didn't even know one another's full names..

Or well, Beyoncé didn't know Onika's full name.

"Onika Tanya Maraj."

"I like that it has a nice ring to it." Onika blushes a little at Beyoncé's statement. She'd never liked her name more than in this moment "It's your turn?"

"Ohh.. umm what's your favorite color?" Onika wouldn't let Beyoncé know that she already knew all these things.

The blonde should really be weary about telling strangers so much information about herself over the internet.

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