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It'd been almost four days since Onika had spoken to Beyoncé. She'd been actively ignoring the blonde, what she said had really hurt her.

She felt immensely stupid for even feeling that way. Beyoncé had never said anything about liking her back in such manner but she couldn't help but feel in some way that the blonde liked her even if it was just a tad bit.

She felt extremely played in this moment. Dumb and naive too.


Beyoncé Giselle

: Hey :(

As much as Nicki didn't want to reply, she wanted to know if the blonde was even thinking about her or if she'd completely moved on.


That didn't mean she wouldn't keep her replies flat though. She was still pissed at the blonde whether she knew it was her or not.

: I need some advice

Nicki couldn't help but roll her eyes at the message. Advice on what? How to break someone else's heart?

Advice on what?:

:So.. I have this friend now who likes me and I sort of like them back.

: Something happened and I was stupid and said something I shouldn't have which I regret.

: How do I get them to forgive me?

Onika couldn't help but wonder. Did that mean Beyoncé liked her back? She wasn't actually playing with her feelings? Why ask a 'stranger' on the internet for advice and not her actual friends?

Be honest with them. Tell them
how you feel:

: It's not that easy

Nothing in this world comes

She wouldn't easily forgive Beyoncé either. It'd be nice for the blonde to try though and actually put in effort instead of just expecting her to come running back.

: ok. I'll try. It's on you if she dismisses my efforts.

: but thanks for the advice though 😀


Onika sighs out dropping her phone on her bed. Beyoncé hadn't even tried  texting her, except just now, though you couldn't really count this since the blonde didn't even know it was her.

They'd exchanged numbers awhile ago, you'd expect the blonde to at least reach out with a text but she hadn't.

Maybe she was just shy or scared to do so. She did seem a bit guilty just now, but who knows? She could just... not care.

It was on Friday whilst Onika sat out in the empty gym during their lunch period that Beyoncé had finally tried talking to her.

She didn't want to sit in the cafeteria because she wasn't in the mood to receive threatening glares from cheerleaders or guilty stares from Beyoncé.

She was beginning to hate school now more than ever.

She played music in her airpods while doodling on a piece of paper completely unfazed by the world around her until she felt a presence take a seat right next to her, a vanilla scent immediately ringing bells in her head.

She tried her best to ignore the blonde by moving over to another bleacher seat but with every sit she moved over the blonde was right beside her doing the same.

"Okay, can we stop? This is extremely childish." Beyoncé says just as Onika moves over once more now leaving a seat in between them.

Onika tried her best to act completely unbothered by Beyoncé's presence but it was quite obvious that she was still tense around the blonde who had an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry." The blonde says softly "For what I said—"

"Why are you apologizing. It wasn't a lie, we aren't dating." Onika says flatly, silently commending herself for not stuttering once.

"No, you don't get it. The way I worded it was extremely wrong and uncalled for. It's my fault Riele had even tried it with you but truthfully I've never and still don't have anything to do with that girl." Beyoncé says taking Onika's silence as an indication to continue.

"The truth is I actually do like you Onika and as hard as it is for me to say this, I know have to. I can't stand you being mad at me much longer. Yeah, my feelings are all jumbled up and they're confusing me really but it's the truth. I literally haven't had anything to do with anyone since we started talking. Not Riele and not anyone else. It's you I like Onika no one else." Beyoncé says all in one breath.

It was extremely hard for her to admit this out loud because honestly this wasn't what she was expecting to happen when she first started talking to Onika.

Yeah, she found Onika's staring weird at first but overtime she'd began to find it cute. No one looked at her with as much adoration as Onika did. Not even her parents who barely ever had time for her.

This was all new and different for her, to even consider someone else's feelings but hers, to even apologize. Most times she'd just completely ice them out but here she was guilty for her actions and initial plans.

Onika stared at Beyoncé for some time searching the girls eyes for a hint of a lie but all she could see was truthfulness in the blonde's golden irises.

"Okay." She shrugs looking away. "Just don't.. d-don't try to kiss me again. We aren't dating like you said, w-we have to stop that."

Beyoncé nods though silently. She didn't want that to happen but she still wasn't sure about making Onika her girlfriend.

.. Onika was important but her reputation was important as well.

The more time passed the more they got to know each other on friendlier level. Onika was hell bent on not having Beyoncé touch her beyond what was platonic.

She didn't need the seductive blonde drawing her deeper into a web of confused feelings.


This is short. I know :/

But hey I'm updating this an across on the same day. That should hold y'all up.

Thoughts though?



Beyoncé admitting her feelings?

Them texting?

Beyoncé putting her reputation before her feelings?

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