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Onika couldn't stop thinking about her encounter with Beyoncé all throughout the day. She was flustered by it all, extremely confused as well.

She thought Beyoncé would be extremely pissed off and weirded out by the little doodles she drew during her free time.. not kiss her!

In as much as she didn't want to sound obsessed with the blonde.. she kinda was.

Every time she tried to think of something else her mind would drift off to Beyoncé placing her lips on hers.

Their kiss. Her first kiss. Her first kiss which was taken by her longtime crush. It just felt so surreal to her.

... Skeptical too.

Just barely twenty four hours ago Beyoncé was irked out at the thought of even sitting next to her and now she wanted them to meet in the parking lot.

She really wondered what would happen. If all Beyoncé was doing was just a prank to humiliate her in front of her friends.

A part of her didn't want to go but a more major part, the same part that has had a crush on the blonde all through freshman and now their senior year made it up that she was gonna go.

What's the worse that could happen? She thought to herself.

The ticking of the clock is all Onika could focus on during her last period class, the sound drowning out the monotonous voice of her teacher.

She could feel nervous jitters get the best of her and kept glancing between the clock and the door.

Just barely a second passes by when the bell finally rings signalling the end of the school day and her parking lot confrontation with her crush.

Onika is jolted out of her thoughts by the blaring sound watching as a flow of students walk out the class not even waiting for the teachers final, "Make sure to bring your assignments in by tomorrow!"

Onika grabs her book bag making sure to double check that her pink sketchbook was inside. She wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday's events but this time with someone else.

Her small frame is almost swallowed up by the crowd of students as she tries to navigate her way out of the school building.

She waits for a moment not wanting to seem to eager, although she most definitely was.

Her mind was overrun with thoughts of what to reply for whatever question or statement Beyoncé was going to make. Be it good or bad.

After a moment or two she finally gathers the little bit of courage in her and slowly makes her way to where Beyoncé's car was parked.

The same spot she parked her car everyday which was separated from her friends cars and Onika only knew this information because well, she was extremely attentive to a lot of things the blonde did.

From her usual parking spot, to her lunch table, to even her bedtime. Don't ask her how she knew the last one, you'll find out soon enough.

Onika recognizes the red coloured G-wagon from awhile away. It wasn't new knowledge that Beyoncé was born into wealth. Everyone in the whole school knew that, another reason as to why she couldn't be fucked with.

Onika can't see anything into the car as Beyoncé's windows were all fully tinted, so all she could do was walk over. Halfway hoping she was there and halfway hoping she wasn't.

Beyoncé was in the car sure enough, opening the door before Onika even had the chance to knock on the window.

"Get in." The blonde says exuding this certain form of intimidating confidence that had Onika's throat dry and panties flooded.

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