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It'd been exactly two days since the incident at the amusement park, Beyoncé had come out to get some snacks from Target. She was tired of caging herself up in the house.

She would keep trying though but if Onika really doesn't want to talk and let her explain herself then she would just have to let it go.

She felt bad.. terrible even but Onika wasn't even willing to let her talk things out. They could just have a mature conversation about everything without all the ignoring.

Onika wasn't obligated to forgive her but at least she could hear her out.

She picked out a whole bunch of junk food ranging from chips to sodas. She was about the spend the afternoon binge watching tragedies in her depression.

The drive back to her house was silent with the soft sounds of Whitney Houston playing as background noise to her loud thoughts.

It wasn't until after about five minutes into her drive that she spotted Onika on the sidewalk with her airpods in looking as beautiful as ever.

Calm and at peace. Her eyes lit up at the sight as she slowly pulled up besides her. She rolled down the window calling out to her which makes Onika look around at the source of the interruption, rolling her eyes when she'd seen who it was.

She increased her pace, but with every step she took Beyoncé's car was rolling up right by her.

Finally Beyoncé couldn't take anymore of the childishness, it was obvious Onika wasn't about to stop so finally she'd just gotten out the car all together.

"Help! Help! Kidnapper!" Beyoncé puts her hand over Onika's mouth to stop her from her continuous screaming. It was so childish.

"Please stop, I just want to talk." She mutters knowing how much of a kidnapper she did actually look like in the moment.

Onika rolls her eyes but finally nods.

"If I remove my hand promise you won't scream.. or run?"

Onika takes awhile but finally nods, she just wanted to step back from Beyoncé's intoxicating scent fully aware of how close they were standing in this busy street.

Beyoncé finally takes her hand off Onika's mouth letting out a satisfied smile at Onika not screaming.. or running.

Onika rolls her eyes once again at Beyoncé's staring refusing to acknowledge how nervous it was making her feel, "Are you gonna t-talk or just keep staring at me?"

"Uh.. yeah. Let's go to my car?"

Onika just stared at her.




The silence inside the car was loud. Onika nervously played with her fingers refusing to look at Beyoncé who had her eyes trained on the steering wheel.

She'd been practising what she was going to say to Onika for such a long time but now that she was here.. faced with the actual situation it seemed like all her thoughts and words had been put on hold. She wasn't exactly sure what to say.

"You hurt me Beyoncé." Onika's voice is the one to break the silence of the car.

"I know that and I didn't mean to."

"But you did."

"I just want to explain things. I really didn't mean to hurt you.. well not completely." Beyoncé mutters, the last few words falling low by an octave or two.

"Explain things then."

Beyoncé looks up letting out a deep sigh, she wasn't used to apologizing she didn't really know what to say. "I originally started talking to you to get in your pants." If she wanted to apologize she might as well come clean with it.

Onika nods although the words hurt her terribly.

"You were always so interested in me, staring and giving me so much attention. I found it weird. You were weird to me but also interesting? I thought you were cute and all but I wouldn't admit it to myself because I don't know, I thought my friends would find me weird."

Onika was just quiet listening to her words.

"Then I found your diary and I really do apologize sincerely for this, I read it. I realised just how much you really liked me and I thought it was cute.. a little weird too. I already found you cute and you liked me. I thought I could get my way with how innocent you were but that was the stupidest thing I could've ever thought in my life."

"We started hanging out and I started getting to know you on a deeper level. Your dorky side, shy side, funny side and even sexy side. I liked all parts of you. I'd begun to develop a crush. A real crush and I was scared. Scared of the commitment— my first relationship wasn't exactly all sunshine's and rainbows— but I knew what I felt for you was much different to anything I've ever felt before. I just didn't know how to process it." Beyoncé sighs out still avoiding to meet her eyes.

"And then I'd finally come to terms with it. I liked you, everything about you. I wanted you to be mine, I wanted us to go on dates together, hold hands and kiss in public. I wanted everyone to know that you were mine.. I even planned to ask you to be my girlfriend on the night of prom.. but things turned out the way they did. It wasn't even my friends fault they'd warned me early on not to even do stupid shit but I was too dumb and air headed to listen." Beyoncé shakes her head extremely disappointed in herself..

"My intention was never truly to hurt you Onika. My feelings for you are real and I'm sorry about how it all came about. But I don't see you or our relationship as a joke. I like you Onika. I really do." Beyoncé finally finishes looking over to Onika whose eyes were trained out the window.

The silence in the car thick enough to be cut with a knife.

Nicki doesn't even know what to say to Beyoncé's apology and confession. She felt hurt but also relieved. Her emotions were just all over the place. She needed to process everything Beyoncé had just said to her.

She couldn't decide whether or not to let it go right here. She wanted to go home and sleep.

"Okay." Was her simple reply. She wasn't that upset any more but she also wasn't sure what to feel. Her trust in Beyoncé couldn't be regained with just a few words.


"Please, just take me home Bey."

Beyoncé sighs out but tries to keep herself in slightly high spirits at the nickname. She begins the drive towards Onika's house letting Erykah Badu's voice be the only source of sound in the car.


This is a lil short but how y'all feeling about it?



The apology?

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