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"You can't keep being depressed like this, come on Nic. Come out." Ming tries for the umpteenth time trying to get Nicki to come out of her room.

Ever since she'd ran off the night before, she'd locked herself in her bedroom not wanting to be bothered by anyone. Her mom had tried getting her to talk, so had her sister but she wouldn't budge.

She felt empty inside, hurt.

She couldn't even enjoy the night as she'd planned but that wasn't even what hurt the most. What hurt the most was Beyoncé's betrayal.

So everything that had happened between them over the last few months was all just a game to her? She was a stupid little pawn in Beyoncé's game and here she was crying and hurt over it when she was sure that Beyoncé was most likely not even thinking about her.

The thought alone hurt her immensely. She knew she was too gullible, too trusting. Her insecurities had begun to get the better of her. She felt stupid for even believing that Beyoncé would like someone like her.

She was nerdy, awkward and unpopular whereas Beyoncé was the complete opposite, popular and confident.

What even made her think that they had a chance?

But she knew what she felt. She knew what she saw in Beyoncé. She made her feel things that no one else had. She listened to her, she made her feel seen. So why? Why did Beyoncé deem it necessary to hurt her in such manner?

Why her? She could've played her tricks on someone else not her, who she knew genuinely had feelings for her.

Onika didn't answer her sister but just covered herself up more in her pink bedsheets, sniffling even more.

She looked and felt like a total mess. She hadn't even gotten out of her prom dress and had mascara running down her face, her hair a completely disheveled mess.

She didn't want to leave the room and have Ming give her the classic, "I told you so.." speech, she wasn't in the mood for any of it.

Her phone had been blowing up with calls and text messages from Beyoncé all night. It reached the point she had just switched the phone off all together.

Sluggishly she pulled the covers off her body after a long minute of just staring at the blank ceiling. She didn't want to spend all day feeling sorry for herself. It wasn't healthy for her, Beyoncé wasn't worth the tears... kinda.


Beyoncé had woken up the next morning to a terrible migraine but smiles a little at the pain medicine and cup of water on her bedside table.

Kelly had followed her home the night before to make sure that she didn't do anything reckless which she most likely would've done.

She'd cried herself into a headache, texting and calling Onika like a crazy person until she had finally fallen asleep with the phone in her hands.

She felt extremely guilty wondering what Onika would've thought of her in this moment. She didn't want the younger girl to hate her, that would break her.

She was planning on asking Onika to be her girlfriend by the end of the night but look what happened. She was sure Onika would never even want to speak to her again.

Admittedly, her talking to Onika had all started as a game. She didn't actually like her and was just using her to get into her pants but as the time passed by, she couldn't bring herself to pull through with it.

She'd began to develop feelings for her, real feelings that she couldn't hide or deny. Not just for her face or body but everything about her had Beyoncé considering a whole lot of things she did.

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