6| Pop-It| Sfw

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Forgot to post warning :

Creepy Al

Dubcon kiss


3rd person pov or smth shit I don't know:

Finney had jolted up on the old mattress, hearing it creak under his weight as he did, his eyes darted towards the metal door, it creaked open and he saw the older man standing in the doorway holding a box in the opposite hand that was holding the door open, the man was wearing his zip up sweater again and the smiling piece of his mask was on, as the last time the man had came down it was the frowning one.

“Hey there kiddo, I got you a little gift as an apology for starving you, and beating you last night.” Albert said, his tone of voice being a bit gruff but hard to decipher, though he didn't seem as angry as before.

“I saw that those other boys, and well girls too your age were playing with these pop-it thingamajig things, so I thought you might enjoy having one so you're not as bored.” Albert hummed, as he closed the door and walked towards finney, setting the box down by his foot.

“Well? What are you waiting for, it's not gonna bite ya.” The older man said.

Finney had reluctantly grabbed the box, it was just wrapped in some plain black wrapping paper, he mumbled a quiet "Thank you" but Albert told him to speak up, and use his "big boy" Words, so he obliged, and then carefully unwrapped the box from the paper, it was a blue spaceship shaped pop it, he knew the older man had noticed he liked space since he kinda like sliced his arm up with his rocketship light.

“Well.. I think it's only fair since I gave you something you return the favor hm?” Albert said, as he let out a childish giggle as he pet the youngers curls.

“What were you uh.. wanting in return?” Finney had said, unease in his words.

“It's nothing too bad that you have to worry your pretty little head about, I just want a kiss, that's all” Albert said as he saw the boy reluctantly move from his spot on the mattress, standing up and getting closer to the older man, as the man had unbuckled the bottom part of his mask.

Finney had been on his tippy-toe as he pressed a chaste kiss to the older man's lips.

OMG guess who's lazy?? Its me I'm cutting it off here use your imaginations.

Words : 428

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