15.|Sour Switchblade|sfw

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UHMM GUYS.. this one was pretty long to be fair.. I enjoyed writing it tho, summary time!!!

Summary : Albert had gotten finney some coloring stuff and that's it.


Albert pov :

I had just gotten off work, no one recently has booked me for parties.. I suppose tastes change.

I need to pick up some stuff at the shops before I head back.. like some more food for samson, a carton of eggs and some stuff for dinner since max is still staying with me.. maybe I'll pick something up for finney since he's been such a good boy recently..


Albert had looked puzzled as he took a gander through the coloring books, he tried to get the boy to tell him more about himself, usually with not much success.. but he knew the boy like space.. hm.

I decided to just go with the coloring book with a spaceship on the front.. I also picked up a pack of cheap crayons since I already gotten the necessities.

After everything was all checked out, I loaded it into the van and had took the long way home.. god those customers got on my nerves.


When I had arrived home, I saw max sitting on his usual spot on the couch, and Samson curled up on his bed.

I greeted Max as I wasn't in the mood to deal with him in all honesty, I unloaded everything and had decided to just keep the stuff I got for finney in the bag, as I had to wait a bit to go down there..

I let out a huff as I set down the bag of dry dog food down on the counter after putting away the groceries, and opened up the bag, adding some food to his empty bowl, as it was about dinner time.



I had finished scrambling the eggs, and put them into the plate before moving it into the tray with the bottle of lemon lime soda. I had already put on my mask, as I had put on the smiling part on this time. [ Sorry it's just easy to write- ]

I made my way downstairs, and opened the basement door, seeing my captive was asleep this time, not surprising.. since our last game was sure to tucker him out..

I set down the tray and closed the door, it making a screeching sound, as the boy had already been up by now.

"Sorry to visit so late kiddo, things came up." I said, as the younger boy didn't say a word to me, and went straight to the tray, shoveling the eggs into his mouth greedily. Which was not surprising behavior.. it had been a bit since I've fed him.

"Thanks for the food.." Finney said, as he downed some of the sprite before sitting up again, not meeting the old man's gaze.

"Well you're mighty welcome kiddo, I got you a little something to keep you busy down here." Albert said, As he reached into the bag and gave finney the coloring supplies.

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