Chapter 9

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I awoke before the normal time my alarm went off Thursday morning. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I just rolled out of bed and made for the kitchen. It’s 5:30 so that meant I was definitely the only one up. Deciding to make myself some scrambled eggs with toast, I opened the fridge door to get the necessary items.

I cracked two eggs into a small bowl and began to stir them together. I popped two pieces of bread into the toaster, placed the dial on the correct time, and pushed the cook button. My breakfast was done within minutes and after eating I cleaned up my mess. It still wasn’t 6 so I went up to my room and grabbed some clothes for school so I could take a quick shower.

My shower went by faster than I wanted. I just can’t seem to do anything that passes time quickly this morning. I headed to my room to browse the internet for some random games to play. It was another 20 minutes before I heard my mom and brother walking around downstairs. I closed down my laptop, placing it on my desk, and made my way to sit on the sofa in the living room.

“You’re up awfully early this morning.“ My mom stated. She turned to make way for the kitchen but suddenly stopped and spoke to my brother and I. “Want some breakfast?”

“I already ate, but thanks anyways.” I said. She raised an eyebrow at me but didn’t comment.

“I want pancakes, go make some.” Joe demanded.

“Yes sir.” My mom said sarcastically while saluting to Joe. My brother rolled his eyes and I laughed at the two while walking over to sit on the couch.

There was nothing good on the television so I turned it on a kids channel. The show playing was totally dull and annoying but I couldn’t find anything else to watch. Joe came to sit next to me with his plate of pancakes drowned in syrup.

“Hurry up with that. I want to arrive early for school.” I told Joe, he was cutting up his pancakes.

“Yeah yeah.” He mumbled around a mouthful of his food.

I got to school earlier than I had thought. There were very few kids already here standing outside the lobby doors which wouldn’t be unlocked for another 20 minutes. I made my way over to the empty brick bench connected to the building. Pulling out a book from my backpack, I began to read until someone sat next to me.

I looked up to see the handsome face of Andrew Heart staring at me. When our eyes met he smiled slightly at me. A blush immediately made its way to my cheeks and I looked away a second to rearrange my shocked expression.

“Good morning.” His smooth voice made my heart rate quicken. What is wrong with me? He is just a normal guy, nothing to get nervous about. I cleared my throat and spoke.

“Morning.” I said quietly. I’m not even sure he heard me but I kept talking anyway. “Where’s Brendon?” I regretted asking it as soon as it left my mouth.

He looked away, surprised at me asking about his older brother, but then turned back to me smiling. “He’s parking the car. When I saw you sitting here alone, I told him to drop me off first.”

“Oh, I see.” My cheeks grew even more red if that was possible at this point.

“Um, about what I said yesterday at clubs. I hope you don’t take it in a weird way, I was just joking around with Alexis because she always teases me.” He confessed, scratching the back of his head with an apologetic expression on his face.

“Uh yeah, I thought you were kidding around so no worries.” I said to relieve his apparent guilt.

“Oh cool.” He mumbled sounding a little down in spirits all of a sudden. Brendon walked up right then to ease our now awkward atmosphere.

Time passed quickly after that and now it was lunch. Andrew didn’t sit with Katie again today. I wanted to know why but I let it go because it was not my business. I was looking forward to club time today so I could get Alexis back for yesterday.

Stella walked into our English class looking a little distracted. She took her usual seat to my left and turned so she could face me head on.

“It might be a bit awkward in clubs today.” Stella said quickly.

“Why is that?” I questioned.

“Allen and Sakura are dating now. I haven’t seen Kotomi yet but I thought she liked him too. We should comfort her if she’s feeling down, okay?” She told me this slowly so I could process and when I did I was surprised at Allen’s boldness. He usually would not have picked one over the other so why he did this time is weird.

“Okay, do you know why they decided to date all of a sudden?” I asked trying to get more information.

“No idea. Alexis told me right before third today.” She said sounding just as confused as I felt.

“That’s so not like Allen and Sakura to just go behind Kotomi‘s back like that.”

“I know that’s why I’m concerned for Kotomi’s emotional state at the moment.”

“We’ll just have to see how she’s doing when clubs start.”

Class went by slower than I wanted it to. My friend could be hurting right now so I needed to be by her side. When the bell finally rang Stella and I hurried down to the track. We were the first to get there again so we stood by the same fence as yesterday.

Our friends got here faster than yesterday but still took three minutes. All of them looked fine and dandy despite the news I received from Stella. Kotomi was smiling brightly standing next to her best friend, Sakura, not even phased by the new couple holding hands beside her.

Stella gave a sigh of relief and I did the same. The big group reached us now, all of them were picking on Allen and Sakura’s entwined fingers. Stella joined in while I just observed the teasing. I glanced over to the Heart brothers and saw them slightly bickering like little kids. Brendon looked mad at Andrew and seemed to be scolding him of some wrongdoing.

I maneuvered my way through our big crowd to get closer to him. I successfully managed to get there before someone pushed me away. I snapped my head up to see Katie’s stuck-up followers standing where I was a few seconds ago with their arms crossed. Their names escaped my mind at the time but the blonde smirked at me while the redhead gestured for me to follow.

They led me a few feet away and stopped abruptly turning to face me.

“Don’t even think of getting close to Katie’s boyfriend.” The blonde girl warned me.

“If you do you’ll have to deal with us.” The redhead added.

I just rolled my eyes, shook my head, and headed back to my friends. The two girls behind me yelled for me to come back but I just ignored them. Drama was not something I needed on the last two days of school.

“What did they want?” Sakura asked when I got back to the group.

“Oh nothing much.” I said trying to make it sound unimportant.

“Tell me later, okay?” She said. I nodded in agreement and found myself drawn into a conversation that Stella and Alexis were having.

“Hey Lily, guess who has a boyfriend!” Alexis exclaimed cheerfully.

“Um, I don’t know. Who?”

“Kotomi!” Stella sang loudly.

“He’s not my boyfriend yet, we’re just talking is all.” Kotomi clarified, her cheeks turned bright pink.

“Ohh, who is the lucky fellow?” I asked her, poking her side.

“It’s a secret.” Her face grew even more pink by the minute.

“Fine, but we’ll find out eventually Kotomi.” Alexis warned with an evil grin.

Kotomi had an almost boyfriend, that was not something I expected at all.

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