Chapter 12

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“Excellent choice.” Stella glanced around at all the girls and exchanged smiles. My heart dropped into my stomach when five faces were giving me smirks. This could not be good. What had they planed now?



“I dare you to hug Lily while gazing into her eyes for three minutes. Every time both of you mess up you have to kiss her on the cheek.” Stella demanded with a huge grin planted on her face.

“What?!” Andrew and I exclaimed. We shared a quick glance and then he went on. “That’s a little too much Stella. Why does it matter if Lily messes up too?”

“You’re the one who picked my dare and besides it’s only a hug and a stare so just tell her to not mess up.” Stella rolled her eyes and flipped her chestnut locks behind her shoulders with the back of her hand. The others snickered at us and I got a wink from Brendon. I got up from my place and made my way to the front of everyone. I sighed in defeat because I knew they wouldn’t let me escape this one no matter what I tried.

“I think you should just hurry and get it over with.” I said in Andrew’s direction. I didn’t want to meet his eyes, too afraid he’d notice my already flaming cheeks. I tried to calm myself with deep breaths but my heart was racing wildly in anticipation of him hugging me. Why did Stella have to make him do this?

“Fine, but only because you seem to be okay with it.” Andrew stood up from his seat and walked a few steps until he was in front of me. I glanced up to look him in the eyes but got distracted by a flash. I looked over to the source and saw Alexis holding a camera directed towards Andrew and I.

“Almost forgot I had this.” Alexis grinned evilly. She gestured for us to continue and I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head in disapproval.

“Looks like we’re the only ones being photographed.” I told Andrew as I turned to look at him. My blush deepened when I saw he was staring down at me with his mesmerizing blue-grey eyes.

“I guess so.” Andrew glanced to the right for a few seconds then met my eyes again. “Why don’t we give them something worth taking pictures of?” He winked at me while I gave him a confused look. Andrew placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened as his hands made their way down my arms to wrap around my waist. I looked up at him shocked at his sudden, rash behavior. When our eyes met I finally heard the hollering and whistles from the others. Flashing from Alexis’s camera was nonstop and I could only imagine how red my face was in those pictures.

I could not look away from Andrew’s eyes or he would have to kiss my cheek. All I could think was that his chest was warm and it felt just right with his arms wrapped around me. With that thought, my heart beat increased and I was almost convinced he could hear it when I was given a smirk.

“Your face is so red right now. Are you feeling sick or just embarrassed to be so close to someone as handsome as me?” Andrew stated pretentiously.

“Wow, I did not know you were so egotistical.” I narrowed my eyes at him a little bit and continued talking. “Also I will never in a million years blush because of you so don’t get your hopes up.” I was so lying to him.

“We’ll see.” Andrew narrowed his eyes at me in return and stuck out his tongue.

I couldn’t help myself, he reminded me of a big kid, so I rolled my eyes and glanced to the left toward Alexis. Crap, I forgot too quickly that we could not look away from each other.

“Mess up!” Stella yelled to the two of us. Alexis could easily have over a hundred pictures by now with how fast her finger was pushing the capture button. “Hurry up and do the punishment so we can finish the dare before class ends.”

“I‘ll take as much time as I want.” Andrew retorted. He looked down at me a little irritated looking, probably because I messed up.

“Make it quick.” I snapped at him. I closed my eyes awaiting his lips to touch my cheek. It felt like minutes had passed before I saw flashes from Alexis’s camera. I opened my eyes to see him leaning towards me. My eyes widened as his beautifully pink lips moved closer and closer to my flaming left cheek. Andrew stared into my eyes the whole time but when he was a few centimeters away he closed his eyes and suddenly whipped around my left, making a quick escape as the bell rang.

All the boys decided to go ahead of us girls to the cars. We all walked slowly off the bleachers and onto the track. Alexis was smiling away as she looked at all the pictures she took of Andrew and I.

“That’s so not fair. He could have finished up the kiss easily. Now we have to go chase him down.” Stella said moodily.

“No way, don’t do that. I’d rather not have to go through that again.” I said, finally letting go of the breath that I was still holding in.

“Come on Lily. The rest of us had to do our dare till the end.” Stella nudged me on my right shoulder. “Andrew should finish his too, even if it’s to kiss you on the cheek.”

“No, seriously, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.” I stated, recalling how fast my heart was beating when he got so close.

“Awe, someone has a big crush.” Sakura chimed from my left.

I know, but I don’t want to admit it just yet.


By Sunday us six girls decided to have a sleep over at my house. It was past dinner time and we were talking about gossip and rumors.

“They said what to you?” Sakura asked flabbergasted.

“They told me to stay away from Katie’s boyfriend.” I told them all about what happened with Katie’s two friends.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner. We could of beat the crap out of them.” Stella said turning to us from my computer chair. She was checking her Facebook but we side tracked her with this topic of conversation.

“That is exactly why I did not tell you guys.” I sighed and rolled my eyes at the image of them blowing up on the two girls.

“Well anyways,” Alexis paused to give me a small smile that looked a bit evil for some reason. “Guess what I did?”

“What?” everyone asked in unison.

“I gave Andrew the address of Lily’s house but most importantly the indoor pool down the street.” Alexis yelled out from the bed to us girls around the room. Stella and Anna got up to give her a high five while Sakura and Kotomi giggled beside each other.

“Why?” I said annoyed.

“You go there all the time by yourself, we might as well get him to go to you since you won’t make the first move.” Alexis stated, trying to prove a point but to me it just sounded annoying and unnecessary.

“Just thought I’d tell you so you wouldn’t think he was stalking you or anything.” Alexis laughed at what she said and stuck her newly pierced tongue out at me.

“What if he really does start stalking me now?” I asked teasingly.

“Andrew Heart stalking you? Not likely, but falling for you I could see happening.” Anna answered with a grin. The thought made my heart speed up a little. I smiled to myself as I left my room and headed to the kitchen to make microwave smores. I am so going crazy.

That night I dreamt for the first time that he and I had a whole conversation without interference. I don’t remember what we talked about or how the conversation started but I just know it was an improvement in our relationship.


Soooooooo sorry for the wait. I got a life all of a sudden during summer and then school started so suddenly. I'm in a creative writing class right now and I love it! Anyways I will be updating more now. I've got until November 30th to finish this so there's plenty of time.

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