Chapter 4

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The last thing I wanted to see right now was before my eyes. Andrew noticed me and gave me a strange look. The pair grew closer to me by the second and all I could think of was an escape plan. I knew I couldn’t get away now though so I had to man up and face them.

I kept my head held high walking by the couple in complete silence. As soon as they were a good distance away I made a break for it, running as fast as my average sized feet could go. A few of the teachers I passed by gave me disapproving looks while telling me to not run but I didn’t listen to them. I had to run. The speed made me unable to think about anything other than the path ahead which was what I wanted.

The peace ended before I was ready and immediately as I entered the second building images of the scene before flooded my thoughts. Pushing them away for the moment, I rounded the corner and to my surprise I wasn’t the first one in the classroom. Sighing, I made my way over to my desk to clear my head. I stared absentmindedly at the board when Ms Carter began writing today’s class schedule.

As the pictures kept popping up more and more in my mind the weight on my heart got heavier. Why was this bothering me so much? I barely knew this guy and he had me feeling this way. This needs to stop once and for all, starting today.

My first and second class went by in a flash so I was now heading to lunch. I trudged over to the all too familiar table, sighing for the hundredth time today, and then sat down. I glanced up spotting what I least expected. Andrew was sitting in the table in front of mine staring right at me. Why was he sitting there? Oh, how could I forget that Katie was in this lunch and so happened to sit right in my field of vision. Great.

I moved my face downwards so I wouldn’t look at him. I debated on switching to sit on the other side of my table but before I could decide Stella along with Anna scooted into the seat. They both chatted excitedly, oblivious to my downgrading mood. This was so not my day.

I zoned out the rest of the day and just like yesterday Katie had somehow found her way to the bird watching club. By then I was no longer surprised by Andrew and Katie’s closeness. My chest felt numb like I was injected with pain reliever whenever I saw the couple. I no longer felt anything and took it as a good thing. This is how it should be and it’s going to be kept this way.


Two weeks had passed since anything happened again. It was the middle of May and this week was clubs. Andrew and Katie had unexpectedly become the most popular couple all year. Nobody got in their way when walking in halls and even let them sit next to each other always. Hating to admit it but they fit each other well, really well in fact. They never fought or had dramatic jealousy fits over others. A truly perfect couple that made me sick whenever they were near.

These days I spent most of my time in mindless thoughts. Thinking of anything other than them eased my numb heart. Lunch was the thing I dreaded most now. Witnessing their couple-like behavior up close for 30 minutes felt like slow, agonizing torture. Time seemed to tick slower when you were in pain.

Today, just like all the other days, I had my face down looking into my lap. I had become less and less social at lunch as the weeks went by. Alexis caught on quickly and gave me my space about the issue. For Alexis to not bring up the subject even after so long was a miracle and I appreciated her for it dearly. My mother on the other hand thought something was up but I just couldn’t come up with a real reason why I was upset. Avoiding my mother at home was a hard task until I took up the hobby of escaping to the neighborhood’s indoor pool.

I was normally the only person at the pool because everyone bought there own these days. To spend as much time there as I could I would run home, drop off my things and speed walk all the way to my destination. Today was one of those days and as I floated on my back in the water, relaxation was taking over me. I wish I were a mermaid so I could always be in the water. I loved water more than I loved singing and that was a lot.

My cell phone’s ring tone went off making me irritated at the intrusion of my alone time. I swam to the edge and wiped my hands on my hot pink towel before checking who it was. Alexis was the name written on my screen so I answered it.

“Hey.” I said hoping this conversation ended quickly.

“Hey Lily. What are you up to?” Alexis asked seeming to hide her excitement about something only she knew.

“Nothing much. I’m at the neighborhood pool at the moment. What about you?”

“Oh that sounds so fun! We were bored so we thought messing with you would be fun but you actually gave us something to do instead.” She told someone close to her the directions to get to the pool. She must be in a car.

“We?” I asked already assuming she was with Pete but I didn’t know who else.

“Yeah it’s me, Pete, Allen, Sakura and Kotomi. We wanted to do something fun but couldn‘t think of anything so that is why I called you.” She confessed.

“Oh cool, I guess. I was just relaxing to kill time anyway so having company sounds fun.” I said, half lying on the last part.

“Great. We’ll be there in five minutes.” Alexis said before hanging up.

Being with my friends should help bring up my spirits so I didn’t want to argue with Alexis. I put my cell phone away in my bag and went back to floating on my back. I was content and lost in thought until I heard a whistle followed by words.

“Looking good Lily.” Allen said in a flirtatious tone. He winked when I looked at him and added “Just kidding but you do look pretty like always.”

A thanks was all I could think to say. I had a light blush on my face still when Alexis came flying at me from the pool ledge. A small high pitched scream left my lips before she landed a cannon ball to my left. Water splashed all over me and a laughing Alexis came up from under the surface. Everyone else also chimed in with her before I cracked up along with them all.

“Finally! You laughed for the first time in ages.” Alexis said satisfied.

“Yeah sorry about that.” I said kind of embarrassed. I really was acting stupid the past 2 weeks.

“It’s okay. We forgive you.” She said and gave me a warm smile. I glanced around to everyone else to see them also smiling at me. I felt loved and it was great.

“You guys are the best. I love you all.”

We all decided to play Marco Polo and divided into groups of 3. Alexis, Pete and I made up the Marco team leaving the others with Polo. Allen liked to “accidentally” bump into Kotomi and Sakura which usually cost them the game. The game went on for two hours before we all left for some ice cream to finish off the time together.

Goodbyes were said when I slid out of the backseat of Pete’s blue jeep. I waved at them all until they backed out of my paved driveway before turning to walk inside. The smell of dinner made it’s way to my nose instantly. We were having ribs, my favorite. I made my way to the kitchen without hesitation and saw my mother setting the table.

“Be a doll and help.” Mom said when she saw me enter.

I helped her finish with two minutes on the timer to spare.

“Mickey is coming over for dinner tonight.” she clarified as I counted the plates with a confused look.

“That totally makes sense.” I said laughing quietly to myself when I took my place at the table. The buzzer on the stove went off just as the doorbell rang. I got up to make my way to the door but Joe walked down the stairs and hurried to the door before I got far.

Dinner went by fast and I found myself in my room doing homework at 10 pm. I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be an alright day since I no longer felt numb inside. I felt like a turtle that just popped its head out of the shell protecting its body, but in my case the shell was protecting my heart.

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