Chapter 17

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The last names grew closer and closer to Brendon’s. I decided I’d join in on cheering for him since I had gotten to know him fairly well. A chilling wind blew across the bleachers where we sat and I shivered. All of a sudden, a warm hand wrapped around mine.





I followed the arm connected to the hand and stared into Andrew’s eyes. His face was so close to mine. I started to recall Wednesday night’s event. My cheeks heated up as I thought of him almost kissing me. I looked away from him quickly.

“You look cold.” Andrew said quietly to me. He grabbed my other hand and held them together with his own hands in the space between our legs.

“Thanks.” I said touched by the gesture. His hands were big and warm compared to mine.

Alexis nudged me with her shoulder. I looked at her and saw she had a huge grin plastered on her face. She gave me a wink and I giggled while rolling my eyes.

“Brendon Maxwell Heart.” Our vice principal called. Brendon stood and made his way up to the stage while we all yelled and cheered for him. It wasn’t just us that were screaming like I thought it would be. Brendon does have a bunch of friends.


“Congrats.” Alexis, Pete, and Andrew all said to Brendon when we reached him on the field. He had just picked up his black cap after he threw it in the air with the rest of the graduates.

“Thanks.” He said smiling brightly.

“Let’s take some pictures!” Alexis exclaimed to everyone. She reached into the bag she had around her shoulder and pulled out her digital camera.

We all huddled together and somehow I was pushed in front of Andrew. After a few pictures, his chin landed on the top of my head and his arms wrapped around my stomach. My eyes widened a little while my cheeks heated up from his touch.

“That was the best one.” Alexis said after she hurriedly took the picture. “Who wants to take pictures in my place now?”

“I will.” I volunteered. I needed to clam myself anyway.

I readied the silver camera, holding it at just the right height. I looked over the top of the silver digital camera to tell everyone to get ready, but my eyes locked on to Andrew. He was staring at me so seriously, not even paying attention to the others and their jokes right beside him. It felt like he wanted to say something. I couldn’t figure him out.

“We’re ready.” Pete said suddenly. I broke my eye contact with Andrew and continued with taking pictures of my friends.

An hour later we walked into McDonalds for lunch. I just got a simple dollar menu meal because I wasn’t very hungry. Alexis and I picked the biggest rectangle table with seats in the middle of the restaurant and sat down. The three boys walked over a few moments later with their food. Brendon took the seat on my right and Andrew sat right in front of me. Pete sat beside Andrew, in front of Alexis on my left.

“Why are you sitting next to Lily, Brendon?” Alexis asked sounding annoyed. Andrew glanced up at Brendon and I, waiting for his brother’s response.

“Why not? I can’t sit next to a pretty lady every now and again?” He said while placing an arm around my shoulders. If looks could kill, then I think Brendon would have died ten times over with the glare Andrew was giving. I wouldn’t be surprised if he stood up, knocked the table over, and flung across towards Brendon right now.

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