Chapter 16

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I walked a few steps behind him. I was trying my best to keep up despite having these disastrous pumps on my feet. I kept imagining myself tripping over the smallest crack or rock on the sidewalk heading towards my house. We had been walking for about 10 minutes now, but it felt like an eternity.

“Is it just me or do your strides keep getting slower and slower?” Andrew said turning on his heel to smile at me. I had to stop suddenly so I wouldn’t run into him.

“I think it’s just you.” I said teasingly. I lifted out my leg to show him my heels. “If you had to walk around in these for 10 minutes straight, you’d also start walking slow.”

“Hmm, maybe.” He said, contemplating something. Andrew turned around again but didn’t keep walking, instead he squatted down. “Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”

“What?” I asked, taken aback by the gesture. “No, that is alright. I can walk by myself.”

“ Lily, get on my back or I’ll carry you like a princess.” He threatened.

“Okay, okay.” I said hurriedly. I slid out of my heels and held them in my left hand, then pulled down my dress as far as I could so it wouldn’t ride up too far. I stepped forward cautiously, trying to cease the racing heart in my chest. I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulders and neck. He stood just then, holding me up by placing his hands under my thighs.

“Why are you so heavy?” Andrew asked, taking each step forward slowly in a dramatic manner.

“Am I really heavy?” I asked, faking shock. He chuckled and I hit him playfully on the head with my right hand.

“Actually you’re as light as a feather.” He admitted, suddenly walking faster than before. I tightened my arms around him so I wouldn’t fall backwards. I gave him directions to my house from where we were and then all conversation stopped.

My racing heart never ceased and butterflies grew in my stomach with every minute we moved forward. Andrew walked continuously without stopping in the awkward silence. I didn’t know what to talk about now that we were alone. I rested my chin on his shoulder after a while.

“Did you fall asleep?” He asked me as we neared the indoor pool in my neighborhood.

“I’m not that tired, just don’t know what to say honestly.” I said truthfully.

“Say anything, I’ll listen.” Andrew told me.

“I can’t really think of anything on the spot.” I tried to think of a topic to talk about.

“You’re in chorus right?” He questioned.

“Yep, I love to sing.” I said with a smile.

“Sing for me.” He said.

“What? No way.” I said surprised at his request. He stopped walking, placed me down on my bare feet, and turned towards me.

“Come on. It won’t be awkwardly silent anymore that way.” Andrew tried to convince me. I thought it over. I’ve never sang for anyone before so this was going to be embarrassing.

“Fine, just one song should be good since we are almost to my house.” He smiled triumphantly at me. We stood there a few moments, letting him rest from carrying me all this way. When he was ready again, I got on his back and returned my chin to rest on his shoulder. I decided to sing the first thing that popped into my head, Love you like a love song by Selena Gomez.

We finally made it to my house by the time I had cracked my voice and we both started laughing. I slowly climbed off his back to avoid tripping or anything else my clumsy self might do.

“Thanks for carrying me.” I said shyly. We started walking up the pathway to my front door.

“No problem and thank you for singing to me.” Andrew smiled. He smiles a lot lately, I noted.

“When should you be getting back to the party?” I asked to fill the silence.

“Anytime I want to go back.” He answered. His eyes bore into mine with intensity and he wasn’t looking away. He extended his arms, placing his hands on my hips and pulled me towards him. Andrew stared into my eyes as he began to lean in towards my face. Was he going to kiss me?

I couldn’t think of anything else to do except close my eyes as Andrew grew closer to me by the seconds. Surprisingly, I wanted him to kiss me. It felt right.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made my eyes shoot open. I took in how close Andrew was to me, his lips just barely inches away. He pulled back a normal distance and turned to look towards the door where the interrupter was located. Mickey was looking at us surprised while my mother stood right behind him with a huge grin plastered on her face, she was loving this.

“Sorry to interrupt. I was just leaving.” Mickey said sounding a little awkward. He nodded towards Andrew and made his way down the walkway to his car.

“Um, maybe I should head back now. See you Friday.” Andrew said hurriedly. He started walking away before he finished his sentence.

“Yeah, see ya.” I called after him. I turned toward my still smiling mother and began to stride inside the house.

“Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?” She asked excitedly.

“Because I don’t.” I told her.

He was so about to kiss you though!” My mother gushed. She began to giggle at a thought that crossed her mind. “We should have just let him keep going.”

“Mom, stop please. I’m tired, I‘m going to bed.” I said blushing like mad.



Thursday afternoon Driver’s Ed called and said I had class starting next Wednesday. It was annoying but I knew it had to be done eventually.

Friday morning, Alexis and I made our way to the set of bleachers on the right side of the football field. Pete and Andrew were waiting on us. I was so nervous to see him after what happened.

“So, what happened Wednesday night when Andrew took you home?” Alexis asked, trying to pry the whole thing out of me.

“Nothing special.” I said coolly.

“Then why did your mom call me to tell me that a boy almost kissed you?” She questioned delightfully.

“Oh yeah. That happened kind of, but Mickey interrupted so Andrew left.” I stated.

“You were going to kiss him?” Alexis asked shocked.

“I was thinking about it.” I said truthfully. My best friend started jumping up and down cheerfully. Just then, Pete noticed us and waved for us to see him. Andrew just stared as we made our way through the crowd as carefully as possible.

“Hey guys.” Alexis greeted the two boys.

“Hey babe. I can’t believe you got Lily to roll out of bed this early.” Pete said sounding thoroughly astonished. Alexis giggled while Andrew smiled to himself.

“Ha ha.” I glared at Pete. He urged us to sit down. Andrew scooted down for us to sit in-between them. Alexis took a seat next to her boyfriend, of course, leaving me to sit next to him. I thought I would die of nervousness.

The four of us chatted animatedly until our principle started the graduation. I barely looked his way, afraid my face would turn the color of a cherry if I looked at him for too long. Names of the graduates were finally being called a little while later. Alexis and Pete yelled with cheers for every friend getting a diploma on the stage in the middle of the field.

The last names grew closer and closer to Brendon’s. I decided I’d join in on cheering for him since I had gotten to know him fairly well. A chilling wind blew across the bleachers where we sat and I shivered. All of a sudden, a warm hand wrapped around mine.

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