Chapter 6

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The rest of Friday went by in an instant. Andrew and I still had minimal communication throughout clubs. The only new information I learned about him is that he and Allen have hung out more than I thought. Stella and Anna only knew Andrew because they were in the same grade.

Next week is exams and lucky me am exempt from all mine. Alexis on the other hand had to take all of hers so we couldn’t do anything fun like last semester. I decided that I would go swimming and part-time job hunting to pass the weekend away. Mrs. Rivers down the street needed a babysitter for her son Danny on Tuesday and I gladly accepted. I have babysat Danny before and he is so easy to please despite his young age.

Danny Rivers was a total heartthrob to the kindergarteners of George Lincoln Elementary School. He inherited his dad’s rich blonde hair and his mom’s sky blue eyes. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that one day he would break hearts of the helpless young ladies who fell for his charms.

When the day finally came I had no idea what I could possibly entertain Danny with. Going out somewhere was the best solution crossing my mind so I asked the 5 year old where he wanted to go.

“Zoo!!” He exclaimed excitedly. I smiled at his answer, I used to love the zoo when I was young but haven’t been in a while.

My phone buzzed on the counter signaling a new text message. The screen read Allen so I opened it up. He asked me what I was doing and that he was super bored. I texted back saying I am taking Danny to the zoo and asked if wanted to come along also. He instantly replied back with an agreement and said he’d bring a few friends. Placing my cell down, I turned to Joe who had just sat down on the couch.

“Do me a favor and watch Danny for 20 minutes so I can get ready, okay?” I said to my brother. He acknowledged my statement with a tired grunt when I made my way up the stairs.

When I finally got done getting ready, I made my way down to the kitchen to get Danny a snack before leaving. I opened the fridge and scanned it to find his favorite cherry jell-o on the top shelf. Walking casually into the living, I found Joe start a tickling battle with Danny. The poor kid had no chance against my brother, the tickling master as he liked to call himself.

I watched as the battle continued for a few minutes and then my phone buzzed. Allen text saying he and the others were ready to go. I asked him who was coming but he replied stating it as a secret. I sighed with dissatisfaction of lacking details. I have a feeling he’s planning something but I brushed it off because I was in a good mood.

The tickling attack stopped as soon as I waved the jell-o in front of Danny’s face. He took it from my hands and ran to the door waiting for me so we could leave. I asked Joe for a ride to the city’s zoo and he went to get his keys returning a moment later. The three of us walked out to his Mercedes in our long, paved driveway. I buckled Danny into the backseat and took the passenger seat while Joe cranked the car.

The ride was passed quickly with Danny and I singing along to the radio which annoyed Joe. He told us he preferred hearing the original singer sing the song rather than two tone-deaf people. I laughed it off hoping Danny wouldn’t take it offensively, but there was no need for the worry because he kept singing without pause. I smiled at his cute self and turned back to face the front.

We reached Lincoln Zoo half an hour later, parking in the lot before scurrying to the front. Joe decided on the way he’d stay to provide entertainment. I saw Allen and three other people waiting at the entrance as we got closer and finally recognized them. I identified the others as Sakura, Kotomi and Brendon. Brendon? Why was it him? Why couldn’t it be Andr- No, I can’t think like that. He was dating Katie and I knew that very well, but a part of me wanted to see him today.

“Yo!” Allen greeted us.

Kotomi and Sakura gushed at the sight of Danny or maybe it was at my brother, I would never know. I was trying to figure it out but when Danny yelled. I jumped which caused everyone to chuckle at me.

“Let’s go see the monkeys!” Danny shouted. Anyone could tell he was happy to be here.

We all nodded our heads at the set destination and headed to the primate section of the zoo. It was all the way in the back right corner so we had to catch a ride on the mini train. Joe sat with Danny and Kotomi in the front, Allen sat with Sakura right behind them and so that left Brendon and I right behind those two.

The other couples chatted nonstop but Brendon and I kept silent until he spoke when we passed the polar bears.

“Whoa! Real life polar bears.” Brendon said with the fascination of a child. His mouth was open as he admired the white bears in their cage. He resembled a toddler so much at the moment I lost control. I didn’t want to laugh but couldn’t help it with that look at his face. Brendon turned to pout at me when I tried to muffle my laughter with my hands.

“I’ve never been to a zoo before.” He confessed embarrassed, scratching his cheek lightly with his pointer finger.

“Seriously? The zoo was practically my second home growing up.” I replied stunned.

“Neither has Andrew. Our parents didn’t take us to places like this much when we were young. They said it was a playground for child predators.” he laughed at the last thing said and I joined in with him.

“My mother was all for Joe and I to go release some energy. Ever since my father died a few years after I was born, she had to raise to two kids by herself and a few breaks was what she needed.” I said smiling at the back of Joe’s head. As children we were a lot to handle. The both of us had so much energy but it seemed to disappear after we each started school.

“Ah, I’m sorry for your loss.” Brendon said awkwardly.

“It’s okay. I don’t remember much about my father but it doesn’t bother me.” I stated.

“MONKEYS!” Danny yelled from the front. He stood up and was held still and steady by Joe’s hands around his wait.

We unloaded off the train and headed to the nearest cage holding primates. The white information sign before us said that they were baboons. A number of facts were listed and also the names of the monkeys inside the cage.

Danny led us down the long pathway of cages and stands very slowly. He and Allen named each monkey, not even caring that they already had one. The rest of us joked around and laughed every chance we got. The day went by fast after that and before we all knew it we were saying goodbyes.

Brendon was a lot different than I thought he was. He wasn’t just friendly, he was also funny, caring, and loved to have fun. Being friends with him never went through my head before now but thinking about it, it doesn’t seem that bad.

That night I had the normal dream of Andrew and I until something happened. This was the first time that anyone other than Andrew was in my dreams before. Right before I woke, Brendon strode up to us and smiled at me and started to say something but everything went pitch black. I was shocked when my eyes opened. I stared wide eyed at my ceiling for a few minutes trying to process everything.

That was weird.


Thanks for reading up till now(:

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***And sorry no Andrew this time D:***

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