Chapter 18 - End

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I started to close my eyes and attempt to kiss back a little more, forgetting all the people around us. Before I could get my arms to work properly, a force knocked into the both of us, sending Andrew and I into the swimming pool we were standing by.



Andrew caught a hold of me and we fell in with his arms around me. Water rushed all around us as we landed into the swimming pool. I couldn’t find my way in the water until he tightened his grip around me. We both quickly surfaced the water, gasping for air. Andrew still had his arms around me which didn‘t help my fast beating heart.

I stared up at Andrew to see how he looked. His hair was soaked and completely covering his eyes. Andrew let go of me to slick back his hair so he could see clearly.

“Thanks.“ I said shyly to Andrew. He just stared at me. A burst of sudden laughter caught both of our attention. We turned to see the culprit who pushed us. Brendon.

“Brendon, what were you thinking pushing us in the pool?” Andrew asked sounding annoyed and frustrated.

“What were you thinking kissing Lily like that?” Brendon questioned. I blushed after hearing my name and kissing in the same question directed towards him.

“I-” Andrew started to say but stopped. He glanced at me and then back to Brendon. “I don’t know.”

With that he started making his way towards the ladder on the side of the pool. Andrew exited the pool and made his way through all the people watching the scene displayed before them. He grabbed the towel he laid down, storming off around the side of the house.

I had had enough of this. I was going to get an answer from Andrew today. I wanted to know more than anyone why he kisses me and teases me. Swimming over to the same ladder Andrew just used, I climbed up out of the pool. I hurriedly grabbed the orange beach towel Alexis lent me, throwing it around my body and followed the same way Andrew went.


“Andrew wait!” I yelled to him as I caught up. I grabbed his wrist, making him slow his pace and stop completely. He turned and looked down to me. “We need to talk.”

“About what?” He asked.

“Really? You just kissed me and walked away. I think that alone is enough for you to give me an explanation.” I said exasperated. Andrew stepped closer to me and I backed up until I hit the house behind me. He placed his hands next to my head on the cement wall behind me.

“Explanation? What am I supposed to say?” He stared into my eyes making me blush and look away.

“Tell me why you did it.” I stated in a quiet voice.

“I don’t know. Lately Brendon has been getting on my nerves. Ever since I told him about those dreams.” Andrew said distressed.

“Dreams? What dreams?” I questioned.

“Just dreams I’ve had. It‘s none of your business anyway.” He dropped his hands, backed away from me a few steps, and looked off to the side.

“Wait a minute. Your brother has been irritating you about dreams so you take out the stress on me? Is that how it is?” I asked confused and offended at his vague answers.

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