Chapter 6

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Kirk turned over in the queen-size bed, yawning with a deep breath. Looking around, Kirk felt a twinge of fear at the unfamiliar surroundings, but then smiled and fell back asleep after a few minutes. Kirk saw in the dim light Josh's prostrate form on the bed, sleeping in his boxers, half wrapped in the comforter and sheets, a pale leg and arm hanging out from under. Josh breathed deeply with a slight snore every so often. Kirk shook his head, adjusted his boxer briefs, rolled over and sank into welcome sleep.

Josh had driven some distance, across a state line, into a large town, and checked them into an upscale hotel that had many families staying.

Somehow Josh had gotten them a comfortable suite, with a separate sitting area with an entertainment center and just below the knee-high coffee table, writing desks, and then two king-size beds. The bathroom had an area with two sinks, and then a glass booth shower and separate bathtub.

"Very posh," had been Kirk's comment. But even with nap on the drive, Kirk felt exhausted. Sleeping, but it was not a deep sleep, just resting his body, not his mind. Kirk and Josh had talked about going out to eat, but Josh was too tired, and Kirk just wanted to climb into bed and saw some wood. Josh had agreed, but got Kirk to promise they'd try room service, or see what kind of food the hotel had when they both awoke. So now both friends slept blissfully.

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Kirk looked around, surprised and startled at his surroundings. Kirk was in a corridor of cinder block walls, a cement floor, and heavy steel doors with windows that were numbered.

Glancing around, Kirk saw he was wearing orange nylon pants and shirt with matching thin, tennis shoes.

How did I get in this place? Kirk wondered inwardly. For Kirk was a prisoner in a prison, where he was, or even when he was a complete mystery.

Kirk had been walking in a quick stride, to the last cell at the end of the corridor, and now realizing, resumed his walk to what was obviously his cell in this prison. But what prison? Why was he here?

Kirk shook of his doubts. It doesn't're

A tendril of fear crept up Kirk's spine, something was wrong...he just did not know what, but there was danger. Somehow Kirk knew this, but in the knowing he had no comfort.

The open cell door seemed inviting, and Kirk walked into the dimly lit room...which was strange. As soon as he had crossed the threshold, Kirk knew he had made a very bad mistake, they were waiting for him in his cell.

The sudden surprise of the cell door slamming shut was cut short by a bag going over his head. Kirk tried to cry out, but could not see, and part of the bag was shoved into his mouth.

Several punches, kicks, and hits pummeled his stomach, chest, and back. Kirk fell to his knees...and his arms were forced behind him, and he was lifted and roughly pushed against the cell wall. More punches hit Kirk on his back, and several hard kicks to his buttocks, thighs, and then a hard punch on his kidneys.

Kirk groaned, but sucked in the smell and taste of musty, dirty cloth...and gagged, choking.

A hand slipped under the elastic of his pants, and roughly yanked them down. Kirk tried to wrench himself free, but was restrained...his head was pushed against the concrete wall. Kirk was unable to move, but still tried. His struggle was in vain, but Kirk fought against what was now obvious...someone intended to violate him, his body. Trying to scream and yell, Kirk realized now he could not breath, the bag over his head now in his throat.

But Kirk tried...had to try...and felt hands caressing his buttocks...

With a gasp, Kirk sat up in bed, awake from a very bad dream that was beyond a nightmare. The bright light in the room was unwelcome, and Kirk felt the pain in his eyes as he desperately recalled where he was.

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