Chapter 23

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The men in black suits smoked impassively, while the grey-suited man read a report in a binder slowly. The two black suited men were used to a timeliness from underlings, but in this special operation, the grey-suited man was the superior.

"Interesting..." the grey-suited man said closing the binder. "Extraordinary."

"What is it?" a black suited man, slightly balding and heavy set asked.

"Yes, what?" the other black suited man repeated, stubbing out his cigarette.

"Simple my dear colleagues," the grey-suited man stated. "The targets have been detected by data analytics and mining team."

"What do you mean?" the black suited balding man asked plaintively.

The grey-suited man smiled, the smile of a predator before answering.

"A simple logical induction. The targets have accessed information about JONAS...and one of the corporate entities used in the...project."

"But how?" asked the black suited man relighting a fresh cigarette.

"Nothing from our perspective, and no agent, operator, or entity has engaged the two since the sacrifice pawn."

"How then?"

"Random chance. I had our project logistics department do a field survey, and several subjects are alive within a radius of the area the two were last reported. By improbable but not impossible probability, the targets have encountered another from the original project."

"Whom then?"

"No specific names, the test subjects were given on paper a past history. But it possible to speculate and conjecture on the other they encountered."

"I never did supposition," the balding black suited man said, "what is required are facts not talk."

The grey-suited man put down the binder, and the smoking black suited man picked it up, scrutinizing the information.

"Consider the possibilities," the grey-suited man said taking out a pipe, filling, and then lighting in a magnanimous gesture of superiority.

"There are only two, one with the ability, and the other is one immune to the ability. Let me rephrase that, one that is psionic active, and the other psionic neutral but immune...the others are psionic inactive but susceptible. Had the subject encountered another one like himself, the reaction would have been different than the behavior reported."

"What behavior?" the black suited man smoking asked, handing the binder to the balding black suited man.

"The subjects are searching through the Internet about information gained...most likely psionically through telepathic contact. But they would learn everything they need and nothing from another telepath. So the subject crossed paths with a telepathically immune but incapable psionic."

"I did not know there were those immune to psionic influence."

"The project...operation, focused not only on those with psionic ability but also those immune to a telepath. The irony is that it takes a psionic, a telepath, to detect someone that is immune."

"Interesting possibility..." one of the black suited men commented.

The grey-suited man puffed contentedly on his pipe several times before continuing.

"So role playing...a telepath crosses paths with an anti-telepath for lack of a better word. The anti-telepath cannot be read or controlled, thus it requires conventional methods such as the Internet for further information. The biggest irony is the JONAS project had engineered a trap if a telepath got curious and investigated more into the project."

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