Chapter 11-20

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  Chapter 11

  At this time, the hall of the Youth League Office was already in chaos.

  The reception chairs were all over the place, and one bench even had its legs 'broken'.

  Gu Jin and Feng Borong passed through the crowd of onlookers, bypassed the "obstacles", and finally came to the front. The center of the farce was indeed Gu Xin and Zhang Juhua, who had not been seen for a night. There were two fat men beside Zhang Juhua who were unable to move.

  Gu Jin glanced at the two of them and immediately moved away in disgust.

  She is looking for a foster mother.

  However, after searching the entire hall of the Youth League Office, I couldn't find my adoptive mother Zhao Xinci.

  Did he leave?

  Gu Jin tugged at the corner of Feng Borong's clothes and asked him, "Brother Feng, have you seen my mother?"

  Feng Borong looked again, "I didn't see it. Did she leave? What time did Aunt Zhao come?"

  "About seven?"

  "Then the formalities should be completed," he looked at the watch in his hand, "It's past ten o'clock now, why don't we go ask the staff?"

  Gu Jin gave him a look that showed he had some understanding, as if asking: Now that the Youth League Office has been caused such a commotion by Gu Jin and Zhang Juhua, is there still anyone who can provide them with inquiry services?

  Obviously not.

  There were not many staff members in the Youth League Office to begin with, and now all of them were trying to stop Gu Xin and Zhang Juhua from fighting.


  Fight each other.

  "What do you think they are doing this for?" Feng Borong asked excitedly.

  Gu Jin shrugged, a gloating smile flashed across his eyes, "What else could it be? It must be the quota for going to the countryside. Gu Xin's household registration is not under my father Wei's name, so it must be with Zhang Juhua. Now every household has a quota for going to the countryside. Do you think Zhang Juhua will let those two fat pigs go to the countryside?"

  Definitely not.

  Especially after what happened to Gu Xin yesterday, Zhang Juhua would definitely keep a close eye on Gu Xin.

  "Tsk tsk! It's going to be a good show. But..." Feng Borong raised his eyebrows and looked at Gu Jin with a chuckle, "Gu Xiaojin, did you just call Zhang Juhua's two sons fat pigs? You are brave now, not bad, not bad."

  Gu Jin snorted but did not refute.

  Zhang Juhua's two sons were not good people. They always followed Zhang Juhua to beg for money, and they also teamed up with Gu Xin to bully the original owner. Every time the original owner saw them, it was like a mouse seeing a cat. Every time she saw them, she had nightmares. It is conceivable what kind of harm their brutality brought to the original owner.

  Calling them fat pigs is already a mild punishment.

  Just wait, one day, she will make all those who bullied the original owner get retribution.

  Gu Jin's eyes gradually became strange. Feng Borong frowned, slightly blocked Gu Jin's sight, and asked her: "Aunt Zhao should have gone back. Otherwise, we should go too? By the way, have you prepared everything for the countryside? Have you bought a quilt? I heard that there is no cotton in many places in the countryside, and you are afraid of the cold. What if you freeze to death!"

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