Chapter 36-40

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  Chapter 36

  "I don't actually have any prejudice against you, I just don't like eating leeks. Really, so, Comrade Luo, please don't think too much." Gu Jin said, trying not to feel nauseous.

  However, Luo Xiuli didn't seem to notice Gu Jin's abnormality, and her expression became even uglier.

  "Yes, is that so? Well, that's okay. I, I'll go wash my hands." After saying that, she ran away dejectedly.

  A large group of educated youth gathered around for a while, but only two of them actually heard what Gu Jin and Luo Xiuli were saying.

  When everyone saw Luo Xiuli suddenly leave, they frowned and asked, "What happened to Comrade Luo? Why does she look like she's about to cry?"

  As he spoke, someone looked at Gu Jin.

  Gu Jin was even more confused and felt angry.

  "Comrade Lu thinks I made Comrade Luo cry?"

  Lu Jianshe: "...I didn't say that. I just asked, why did Comrade Luo run away after talking to you?"

  "How should I know? I'm not a worm in her stomach." Gu Jin's face suddenly turned cold.

  "What's your attitude?" Lu Jianshe's face darkened. "Don't you think that you can do whatever you want just because you have made some contributions? Let me tell you, there are many people in this world who are more capable than you."

  "I know. I never thought I was great. Besides, I was just fighting back. I will treat you the same way you treat me. Isn't that normal?"

  The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the new educated youth all ran to Gu Jin, as if to help her. Although the other old educated youth were still watching, their attitude did not seem like they would help Lu Jianshe and the others.

  Come to think of it, Lü Jianshe and Feng Liangben were not educated youth from Dawan Village. They were just staying there temporarily and could be taken back at any time. How could they help them?

  If the fight gets out of hand, it will only make their future situation in Dayuan Village more difficult.

  Fengliang established Maluzhu Construction.

  "do not talk!"

  Then Feng Liangcheng turned to Gu Jin and said, "I'm sorry, Comrade Gu. Comrade Lu is a little unwell today. He didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive me."

  "If you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest." Gu Jin said this in a stern tone.

  The matter is over, but Lu Jianshe still feels he can't get over it.

  His face became darker and darker, as if even if he escaped to Dayuan Village, he would still not be able to avoid being ridiculed and scolded.

  He kicked the long wooden chair hard, and with a bang, it flew away, scaring everyone.

  Gu Jin was also frightened. She had just taken a bite of the vegetable, pretending not to care, but suddenly the loud noise made the vegetable stuck in her throat.

  "Cough cough cough!!!"

  "Xiao Jin, how are you?" Fang Caiwen was also frightened, but she didn't eat anything and didn't choke. When she saw Gu Jin choking, she quickly took out her water cup and handed it to her.

  Gu Jin took several big gulps of water to suppress the stimulation brought by the cumin powder.

  "Are you feeling better?"

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