Chapter 46-50

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  Chapter 46

  Although Pei Su didn't know Gu Jin's original problem, he noticed that she was in a low mood. He quickly put down the lunch box in his hand and took out a saline bottle filled with water from the cloth belt.

  This is the warm water that Pei Su filled from the empty saline bottle that Duan Guo from the emergency room got after he paid the money.

  "Would you like some?"

  "The temperature is just right, not too hot."

  Gu Jin quickly glanced at Pei Su, took it quickly, and said thank you: "Thank you."

  "Ajin, you don't have to be so polite to me." Perhaps it was because of Gu Jin's doubts and exploration of him that Pei Su had this breakthrough. When he talked about the past, he didn't find it difficult to speak as before.

  He said, "The garbage dump uncle you are talking about is my grandfather's relative."

  "Ah?!" Gu Jin didn't care about the embarrassment anymore and looked at Pei Su in surprise, "Grandpa?"

  "Yes, dear grandpa."

  "Didn't you ask me last time about my relationship with Director Zeng? I said I would tell you when you came back from the provincial capital. Do you still want to hear it now?"

  Obviously, he was just curious and wanted to gossip, but when it came to Pei Su's mouth, it became something he wanted to tell.

  Gu Jin didn't know how to describe the feeling at this moment, he just felt that Pei Su in front of him was so nice and gentle.

  Gu Jin tightly grasped the saline bottle and said, "I want to hear it. Can I?"

  "Of course." Pei Su looked at Gu Jin deeply and said gently.

  "Actually, this story starts with my grandfather."

  "My grandfather was born during the reign of Emperor Guangxu. At that time, they were oppressed by feudalism and capitalism, and the people were living in poverty, so they had the consciousness of saving the country."

  "When my grandfather was young, he went to study in the Soviet Union, specializing in mechanical engineering and shipbuilding. After returning to China, he taught in the capital. Director Zeng was one of my grandfather's earliest students, and he is also one of the only students I am still in contact with."

  "Because of the changes in the national situation and because of family problems, my grandfather applied to return to Qinghe County in the 1960s and founded the Qinghe County Machinery Factory in the same year."

  "In the beginning, the Qinghe County Machinery Factory was not well-known, and was even on the verge of bankruptcy due to a lack of resources. It was my grandfather's persistence and the help of his friends that led to the factory's success. But the good times didn't last long. My grandfather's disciple, Lu Huachi, who is now the deputy director of the machinery factory, developed the first water pump in my country. When the water pump came out, it caused a sensation across the country. Because of this, Chang Deyuan targeted it."

  "At that time, Chang Deyuan's son had just come of age. Chang Deyuan wanted to pave the way for his son, so he set his sights on the invention rights of the water pump."

  "My grandfather, as my grandmother put it, is a stubborn person who will never let his own people suffer. So when Chang Deyuan came to him and asked Lu Huachi to give up the invention rights and even wanted Lu Huachi to be the shadow behind his son, he was almost beaten to death by my grandfather."

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