Chapter 56-60

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  Chapter 56


  "You mean, I asked you to investigate the educated youth in those villages, and they are all living well now?"

  "Yes." Xiao Zou handed the records and summary of his secret investigation to the secretary.

  While the secretary was reading it, Xiao Zou briefly recounted what he had seen and heard in the past two days.

  Then he concluded: "This should be related to the recent recruitment of workers in the machinery factory. According to the survey, more than 80% of the villagers said that they all wanted to work in the machinery factory. But because the machinery factory recruitment requires an exam, this has also made some villagers who usually do not value knowledge realize the importance of knowledge and intellectuals."

  "So, recently they are not as harsh on the educated youth as before. There are even two villages that are far away from the school due to geographical reasons, and they want to study but cannot get guidance. In order to give the people in their own villages a chance to compete with others, they have specially arranged a guidance job for the educated youth with high school education."

  "This back and forth not only promoted the interaction between the villagers and the educated youth, but also made them understand and get to know each other better. The night before the finale, I asked a few educated youths. They all said that their lives recently have become more hopeful than before."

  The words "hope" made the secretary, who was reading the report, suddenly pause.

  He slowly closed the report, rubbed his nose and said, "Really? It's good to have hope, it's good to have hope."

  "Oh, by the way, I remember Zeng Xingsheng said last time that he didn't plan to continue recruiting and needed to slow down. Why is he recruiting again all of a sudden?"

  Xiao Zou said, "Director Zeng said that the trial production of the aerator requires manpower. And whether it is Qinghe County, this city, or the provincial capital, they are all very interested in the new version of the aerator. Everyone has new expectations for the machinery factory, and he wants to take advantage of this favorable trend and do the recruitment together."

  "He is quite good at taking shortcuts." The secretary laughed.

  He was just about to put the report away when he opened the drawer and saw the previous educated youth exchange plan.

  He took out the plan and didn't open it again.

  He asked Xiao Zou again, "Xiao Zou, do you think this plan should be implemented?"

  ".....Secretary, I dare not say it."

  "What's there to be afraid of? Just say it."

  "I won't blame you if you make a mistake."

  "So, I said it?"

  "Say, why are you taking so long? This is not like you."

  The secretary looked at him meaningfully.

  Xiao Zou didn't show it on the surface, but he was immediately alert in his heart.

  He smiled sheepishly and said, "Actually, I think this plan is no longer necessary."

  "Oh, go on."

  "Because Qinghe County has changed. The increase in employment has boosted people's enthusiasm and made those who were originally working independently start to move towards the same goal. Resolving conflicts was the purpose of the exchange plan. Now that the goal has been achieved, I don't think it is necessary."

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