Chapter 21-30

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  Chapter 21

  Gu Jin's happiness lasted for a long time, long enough to clean the tractor and to use the scrap metal in the repair shop to replace the tractor with new equipment.

  This time, not only was the main brain at the front of the vehicle repaired, but the rusted areas at the back where cargo was transported were also repaired.

  Fang Caiwen happened to be with everyone else and had just finished filling in Zhuang Aihua's "butt hole" this morning. She covered her mouth and laughed secretly, saying, "Oh, I won't be able to see Comrade Zhuang's "masterpiece" when I go back later. What a pity."

  Nong Wende was confused. "Why is it a pity? This 'butt hole' doesn't look good. If you really want to see it, I'll sit on it and show it to you. My butt is definitely better looking than hers."

  Gu Jin: "...."

  other people:"........"

  This is not necessary.

  A group of people were repairing the tractor with laughter, while the employees in the repair shop were all miserable, especially Lao Qian. He was proud of his seniority, and even though he didn't have much skills, he was the one who had the final say in this repair shop.

  Now, he was slapped in the face in public, and he lost both the wife and the army.

  How is he going to work in a repair shop in the future?

  Old Qian glared at Gu Shengli and others fiercely, especially Gu Jin who later humiliated him. He secretly thought that he should find an opportunity to kill her.

  Just as the malice arose, a murderous intent suddenly came from the front.

  Before Lao Qian could even look up, he was almost frightened to the point of cardiac arrest.

  Now, let alone causing trouble, he is about to wet his pants, so embarrassed.

  "What's wrong?" Gu Shengli asked Pei Su who was staring at Lao Qian.

  Pei Su slowly retracted his gaze, "It's okay."

  "Are you afraid that Lao Qian will settle the score with you later?" Gu Shengli snorted in the direction where Lao Qian disappeared, "Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with him. Do you think you can become a city dweller just because you come to the county town? You were just a slave who worked as a blacksmith in our landlord's house."

  "You don't have to worry about this. Take Xiaojin and the others back to the village first." Gu Shengli looked at the sky and saw that it was getting late, so he urged them to go back quickly.

  "Xiao Jin, are you done? If you are, we will go back!"

  "Okay, okay." After plucking the last bit of wool, Gu Jin said goodbye to the director of the repair shop.

  After half a day of observation, the factory director also realized that Gu Jin was really capable. Moreover, he saw that she was sharp-witted, familiar with all the tools, and could explain why.

  The factory director had the idea of ​​keeping the people.

  "Are you really not going to stay here to work? Although I cannot guarantee to give you the treatment of a regular employee at the beginning, I will definitely help you become a regular employee as soon as someone else retires." After a pause, the factory manager hinted, "Old Qian is about the same age, so..."

  "Thank you for your kindness, but it's really not necessary." Gu Jin smiled and waved his hand: "I am an educated youth, and I just came to our Dawan Village yesterday. Our Dawan Village is very good, with good mountains, good water, and even better people. So, I don't want to leave our Dawan Village now."

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