Love Me 2.0

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Love Me part 2/2


The next day went just like every other day, they did their group practice, attended few meeting and later when their group  schedule ended they went to their respected way. Hoseok went back to practice for some more time. Since he was very anxious about his dinner with yoongi, his heart was beating fast every time he think about the dinner. Hoseok felt like a lovesick teenager. It wasn’t like he and yoongi were having dinner for the first time. He and yoongi were best friend so they did had dinner together more than they can count. 

Maybe he was feeling so anxious simply because he is afraid of the conversation he want to have with yoongi. Hoseok still debating with himself if he should first confess to yoongi or just ask him about jimin and his relationship. But what if hoseok fear came true and hoseok truly doesn’t have a chance with yoongi? What will he do then? Thinking about all of this made hoseok more anxious then he could handle. 

Hoseok found Himself once again outside of genius lab, this time tho he was empty handed and the door was locked. They choose yoongi's studio simply because it was easy, private and mostly yoongi had some work to finish. He got a deadline and hoseok understood that. Beside hoseok loves yoongi's lab, he has spent countless time there. Hoseok took a deep breath trying to calm his racing heart. His hair was dump from the shower he took before coming here. 

Once hoseok felt he gather enough confidence to enter the room, he typed the passcord he knew by heart and enter the studio. Yoongi was setting the food into the small table near the couch. Yoongi looked at hoseok and smiled, Hoseok's heart flatter at the sight of yoongi as he smiled back at the oldest. 

"Did i made you wait?" hoseok asked as he took the seat on the couch. Yoongi shaked his head in response 

"No i got the food just few minutes ago" yoongi said and took the empty seat beside hoseok. They both picked their chopstick and start eating. 

They engage into a comfortable conversation about their come back, new songs, the dance practice and other stuff. While talking about all this, hoseok has learned that yoongi has been helping jimin making a new song. A possible collaboration between them. Yoongi however said he Isn't sure if he wants to be in the song or just going to write some lyrics for jimin. Hoseok listen attentively. He choose to ignore the bubble of jealousy he was feeling inside his heart. Luckily they finished their food before the talk of the collaboration came otherwise hoseok wasn’t sure if he could continue to eat after hearing yoongi's excited tone to work with jimin. 

Hoseok felt stupid, it was such a stupid things to get jealous over something like this. It’s not like they never work together, heck they all belong to the same team of course they always work together. They have been for as long as hoseok remember. While listening yoongi talking about his possible collaboration with jimin, hoseok can't help but wishes about him being on jimin place. 

Love does makes you do and feel stupid things. 

Hoseok couldn’t control himself when he asked the question. He doesn’t know why he asked it, when he knew the answer will leave him devastated. But now the damage were done and hoseok heart is broken into million pieces. 

"Do you love jiminah hyung? " hoseok has asked yoongi out of nowhere, yoongi stopped talking and looked at hoseok, the latte had confusion written all over his face over hoseok's question. Yoongi blinked at hoseok few times before he finally decided to answer 

"Yeah, of course i do. I love Every one of you seok-ah " yoongi replied still confused as to why hoseok has asked the question out of nowhere 

Hoseok mind didn’t register yoongi's last words, they were stuck at the 'yeah, of course i do'. Hoseok felt his heart clutching, his stomach twisting in a weird way and he felt sick, heartbroken. Hoseok can swear he heard his heart breaking right after the words left yoongi's mouth. Hoseok felt pressure building behind his eyes. Hoseok didn’t knew he was zoning out until he heard yoongi's worried voice calling his name. 

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