Together forever

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Together forever part 2/2


Hoseok opened his eyed slowly, his lecture ended sooner than it was supposed to be and hoseok returned to the dorm without any thought, when he saw jimin wasn’t at the dorm, he spent some time cursing his life and missing yoongi. Hoseok again made himself cry to sleep. Hoseok's head was aching a little bit but it was tolerable. He has a appointment with his doctor in few day's. Hoseok tried to move when he felt two arms around his body, holding him,he felt steady and warm breath on his neck.

Hoseok's body tense up at the thought of someone breaking into his room, that was until hoseok's favourite scent hiting his nostril, hoseok took a deep breath to calm himself down before he registered the fact that yoongi was sleeping beside him, hugging him. Hoseok moved to face yoongi, hoseok took in yoongi's appearance, the latte had dark begs under his eyes, face paler than before, hair a complete mess and hoseok notice yoongi was still in the same clothes he has last seen him. Surprisingly yoongi still wasn’t smelling bad, sweaty sure but not bad.

Yoongi must have sense hoseok's stare since he slowly opened his eyes " go back to sleep seok, it’s night " yoongi say's in his sleepy voice and hoseok's stomach twisted as he took yoongi's face for few more minutes. He has caused this to yoongi. Hoseok's eyes immediately filled with tears as he tried to separate himself from yoongi's hold but yoongi didn’t budge and held hoseok more strongly.

"stop moving, i am not letting you go" yoongi say's his voice more awake now

"w-what are you doing here? we broke up, you shouldn’t be here " hoseok's says his voice shaky, his heart running a marathon inside his ribcage

"who said we broke up?" yoongi ask casually, his voice calm

"i said, i-i broke up with you two day's ago" hoseok replied, trying to get away from yoongi

"yeah you broke up with me, i didn’t broke up with you so stop moving and let me hug my boyfriend " yoongi say's and hoseok looked at yoongi dumbfoundly

"are you drunk? " hoseok say's as he went near yoongi to sniff but there were no trace of alchole in Yoongi's breath or near him.

"i am very much sober and i know what i am doing" yoongi say's, finally letting go off hoseok and moved a little bit to switch on the lamp on hoseok's bedside. The room lit up in warm brown light and hoseok can now clearly see yoongi's face and his swallowed eyes, hoseok's heart clutched. Hoseok sat on the bed, maintaining his distance from yoongi.

For a few moments none of them said anything, yoongi run his hand through his hair and rubbed his face, he sighed and looked at hoseok, his eyes filled with hurt "why? "

Hoseok who was lost in his thought suddenly pulled out of his thought after hearing yoongi's voice "huh?"

"why hoseok?" yoongi asked, his voice shaky and eyes filled with hurt and sorrow

"why what?" hoseok asked, he really doesn’t know what is yoongi asking, his mind is not functioning smartly, yoongi sighed once again

"why didn’t you told me? why did you broke up with me instead of letting me support you?" yoongi ask, his voice smooth and not accusing. The colour from hoseok's face faded away as yoongi's word sink into his head.

"w-what are you talking about?" hoseok tried to play dumb but clearly it didn’t work since yoongi looked at him with sharp eyes, hoseok inaudibly gulped.

"don't play with me anymore jung hoseok! i know, you know what i mean " yoongi's voice is strong, leaving any chance of playing hoseok dumb "i am asking you again why?"

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