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Story summery : Jung hoseok thinks he doesn’t belong anywhere.

Story tags : angst, established sope, misunderstanding, lack of communication, sickfic, happy ending.


Thursday 21:13PM

Excitement run throughout hoseok's vain as he enter his and yoongi's share apartment. Hoseok was really happy and excited today that he can't stop the wide grin on his face. After working for months without any break hoseok has finally managed to get one week worth of vacation from his boss. Finally he will be able to spend time with yoongi without a care in the world. Yoongi has been telling him to take some break so he doesn’t overwork himself but hoseok being the workerholic he was not to mention he was also one of the respected choreographer in his company, it was hard for him to take vacation whenever he wanted.

Hoseok can't wait to see the big gummy smile on yoongi's face when he will learn about hoseok's holiday's. Hoseok knows yoongi is also has few day's off since the latte just finished one of his project just few day's ago and he likely wont be getting any new project soon enough. Yoongi has told hoseok whenever hoseok will have his much needed vacation, they can spend it any way they want. They can go to some place or just stay inside their home all day long, they doesn’t mind as long as they have eachother.

Hoseok has already plan what they can and cannot do and he can't wait to share his thought with yoongi. Yoongi always - always pay attention to hoseok's thought and hoseok honestly consider himself the luckiest man alive out there for having yoongi as his boyfriend.

Hoseok enter the apartment with his own keys. He placed his coat at the coat stand and removed his shoes, the cold November air was enough to make him shiver all way to his and yoongi's home. The comfort and warmth their home provided was enough to warm Both hoseok's heart and body. The apartment was suspiciously too quite, usually when hoseok return home from the studio, yoongi is either making dinner or working on one of his song at the living room couch but today yoongi weren’t on neither of this place.

Hoseok frowned his eyebrows as he make his way to yoongi's studio, he knocked few times but there weren’t any response, he slowly opened the door, just in case yoongi was inside working but when the door was open, hoseok was disappointed to see the studio was empty, no sign of yoongi or anything. Hoseok clicked his tongue and closed the studio door and made his way to their bedroom.

When hoseok opened their bedroom door he was meet with yoongi packing his bags? Hoseok's heart clunched at that. is yoongi going on any tour all of sudden? What about their vacation and hoseok's surprise? Hoseok couldn’t help himself as he quickly enter the room and stand infront of yoongi. Yoongi looked up from where he was just putting his clothes

"when did you return? i didn’t hear you" yoongi say's as he looked around the room as if he was looking for something. Hoseok already knows he wont like whatever the fuck happens next.

"are you going somewhere? " hoseok asked, not wanting to make any small talk, he also choose to ignore the fact that yoongi hadn’t smile at him or gave him welcome kisses.

"hmm yeah actually " yoongi say's finally meeting hoseok's eyes, hoseok heart dropped

"oh where?" hoseok ask, his voice small

"i am going to stay few day's with jimin and taehyung " yoongi says and hoseok confusedly looked at yoongi. why will yoongi go and live with them? jimin and taehyung lives like 10 minutes away from them. Yoongi sensing hoseok's confusion decided to speak again.

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