The tension

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Rachel's POV:

After few minutes, around the bend I saw a pretty large, charming, wooden house. It looked like from some fantasy book. "So, here we are. Welcome to my home, it's not much, but it's safe and warm." Billie said softly, opening the door.

She leaded me inside. Cozy interior, filled with handmade furniture, a roaring fireplace and shelves lined with books and herbs. Everything was lit with candles and little golden lights. I was wondering around with eyes wide opened.

"You like it?" She chuckled, hanging her coat on the hanger in the hall. "A lot, thank you for inviting me." I responded in awe. "Feel in home."

"You can put you're things over there." She pointed at the coffee table which was near to big couch in the living room. I set my backpack down and looked at my phone, it was almost midnight, my battery had last 5%.

"Hey um, do you have a charger?" I asked. "Sure, here you go, baby." Billie said handing me a charger. I gulped, looking at her with visible confusion in eyes. "What? It's 21st century, I have phone myself." She seemed not realizing what she just said. I mean it wasn't such big thing that she called me like that, but it made me blush and I felt something in my stomach.

Billie's POV:

When I saw Rachel's reaction, her cheeks turning bright red, I repeated in my head what I said. *Fuck.* I reliesed what I called her but tried to play it cool and change the topic.

"You need something else? Tea, shower or maybe you just wanna go to sleep and get rid of my stupid talking." I chuckled. "No, don't say that. I really like you, but if it's not a problem I'd like to take a shower." "Alright, I'll be right back."

I went to grab a towel, some oversized tee and sweatpants for her to change. Then I gave it to her and guided her to the bathroom.

I got back to the living room, sat on the couch and started thinking about everything that happened since I met Rachel. *The way she makes me feel, the way she makes me say things I want, but shouldn't say. My heart flutter every time she smiles.*

"Billie!" Rachel shouted, breaking me out of my thoughts. I got up and fastly walked over to the bathroom door. "You okay?" I asked a bit scared and confused at the same time. "Yeah, can you, um... help me with something?" She asked with a bit of frustration in voice. "Can I come in?" "Yes."

I pulled the handle and saw her, standing in front of me only in underwear. She was so hot. My eyes wide opened and I took a quick up and down look hoping that maybe she won't notice.

Third person POV:

Billie and Rachel stood close to each other, the air between them charged with delicate tension that neither had dared to address until now. Billie's eyes traced the curve of Rachel's neck, down to delicate lace of her bra strap. Rachel's breath hitched, her cheeks flushing slightly as she felt Billie's gaze.

"Can you help me with this?" Rachel voice was soft, almost a whisper, as she turned back to Billie, exposing a small clasp that held the garment in place. Billie swallowed, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached out. "Sure." She replied.

Her fingertips brushed against Rachel's skin, warm and smooth, sending a shiver down her spine. With a gentle touch, Billie worked the clasp, her movements slow and deliberate. She could feel the rise and fall of Rachel's breath, could sense the unspoken emotions swirling between them. As the clasp finally gave away, Billie let her fingers linger for a moment longer, feeling the softness of Rachel's skin beneath her touch.

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