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As the realization dawned on me, my fork froze halfway to my mouth. Billie noticed my sudden pause and gave me a curious look. I quickly recovered, forcing a smile and resuming my eating, but my mind was racing. How could I not have noticed? The slightly elongated canines, now that I was aware, it was impossible to unsee.

"So, how are the pancakes?" Billie asked, breaking the silence and bringing my attention back to the present. "They're great, really good," I managed to reply, my voice sounding a bit more normal than I felt. I kept my tone light and casual, trying to mask my internal turmoil.

Billie smiled, but her eyes searched mine, as if she sensed something had changed. "Is everything alright, Rachel? You seem a bit... off."

I took a deep breath, setting my fork down. This was Billie, the same person I had just shared an incredibly intimate moment with. Despite the startling revelation, my trust in her hadn't wavered.

"I just... I noticed something about you, Billie," I said cautiously. Her expression shifted slightly, a guarded look entering her eyes. "Oh? And what did you notice?"

"The, um... your teeth," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "You have... fangs."

There was a long moment of silence, the only sound the rain softly pattering against the windows. Billie took a deep breath and nodded, her gaze steady on mine. "Yes, Rachel. I am... different. You've been watching me for some time, so you probably have some... guesses who I am." She said, her voice trembling.

I could see the vulnerability in her eyes, the strong fear of rejection settling in, and it broke my heart. "I do, but... I want you to tell me."

Billie looked down at her hands, her fingers nervously playing with the edge of the napkin. When she finally spoke, her voice was soft but steady. "I'm a dhampir, Rachel. Half-human, half-vampire. My both grandfathers were vampires and my both grandmothers were humans. Then my parents - dhampirs, met and... here I am.

The room felt heavy with the weight of her revelation. I watched as she took another deep breath, gathering her courage to continue. "I've spent my life trying to live as normally as possible, to blend in. But there are things about me that I can't hide. The fangs are one of them."

I reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Billie, this doesn't change how I feel about you. I still trust you, and I still... care about you."

She looked up, her eyes shining with relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Rachel. I was so afraid that you would be scared or disgusted."

"I won't lie, it's a lot to take in," I admitted, my thumb brushing over her knuckles. "But I want to understand. I want to know more about you."

Billie nodded, her grip on my hand tightening. "There are things you should know. Being a dhampir means I have some abilities that are... different from humans. I'm stronger, faster, and I can heal quickly. But I also have to be careful. My vampire side has its own needs and urges that I have to manage."

I smiled, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "So, what else I should know about? Like..., do you have to avoid garlic or sunlight?"

Billie laughed, a sound that made my heart lift. "No, garlic is fine, and sunlight won't turn me into ash. I do need to be careful about how much time I spend in the sun, though. My skin is more sensitive than most people's."

I nodded, absorbing this new information. "And the blood? Do you...?"

She hesitated for a moment before answering. "I do need it, but not as much as a full vampire would, but I need it. I can go without it for a while, but if I don't drink it for a long time, I can feel very weak or get sick."

I felt a shiver run down my spine at the thought, but I tried to push it aside. This was Billie, the person I cared about deeply. She saw a slight shadow of fear in my look. "But I swear... I won't hurt you." She admited, her words made my thoughts calm down a bit.

I listened, absorbing her words and the gravity of her situation. "Does it... does it hurt? Living between two worlds like that?"

She gave a small, sad smile. "Sometimes. But I've learned to manage it. The hardest part is keeping it a secret. I didn't want to keep it from you, but I was afraid of how you would react."

I leaned closer, looking into her eyes. "You don't have to hide from me, Billie."

Billie's smile grew warmer, her gorgeous ocean blue eyes sparkling with joy and relief. She brought my hand to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to my fingers. "Thank you, darling." Billie whispered.

I felt a warmth spread through me at Billie's words and actions, the intimacy of the moment settling around us like a comforting blanket. "Billie," I said softly, feeling a sudden urge to know everything about her, "There's one more thing I want to know... what's your full name?"

Billie's eyes twinkled with a hint of mystery. "Billie Eilish O'Connell," she replied. I couldn't help but smile at the name, feeling it suit her perfectly. "Eilish O'Connell" I repeated quietly. "It suits you perfectly, Billie."

She blushed slightly, a soft pink coloring her cheeks. "Thank you, Rachel. And... thank you for accepting me. For wanting to know more."

"Let's finish the meal, it's getting cold." She suggested.

I smiled, feeling a sense of affection wash over me. "Great idea." I agreed, picking up my fork again. We resumed our meal, the atmosphere between us warmer and more relaxed. The pancakes tasted even better now, each bite filled with a sweetness that mirrored the moment we were sharing.

As we finished eating, Billie stood up and started clearing the table. "Let me help," I offered, but she waved me off with a gentle smile.

"I've got it." She said, stacking the plates. I watched her move with an effortless grace, every motion fluid and precise. There was something undeniably captivating about her, something that drew me in even more now that I knew her secret.

Once the table was cleared and the dishes were washed, Billie took my hand and led me to the living room. We sat down on the couch, close enough that our knees touched. I could feel the warmth of her body radiating towards me, a comforting presence.

We spent the whole day talking, getting to know ourselves better, just enjoying each other's company.

As the day stretched into evening, the rain outside had settled into a soft patter, creating a cozy ambiance inside Billie's apartment. We talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories, dreams, and even fears. It felt like we had known each other for much longer than just a day.

Fangs Of Desire |B.E|Where stories live. Discover now