Dreamy confessions

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Billie's POV:

The first light of dawn seeped through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. I blinked slowly, adjusting to the morning light. Rachel was still nestled against me, her steady breaths a comforting rhythm. The events of the previous night played in my mind, a blend of curiosity and newfound intimacy.

I shifted slightly, careful not to wake her. Her lips were slightly parted in peaceful slumber. My hand moved to stroke her hair gently, marveling at how naturally she fit against me, how right this felt, and how beautiful she is.

A cascade of soft blonde hair falling at her back, her dark lashes creating a delicate contrast against her fair skin, her delicate features and a nostril piercing giving her a bit of feistiness.

As I continued to stroke her hair, my fingers traced the curve of her ear, where tiny silver hoops glinted in the morning light.

As I lay there, Rachel stirred. She mumbled something quietly and moved closer, her face now buried in the curve of my boobs. I couldn't help but smile, feeling her warmth against me. Her lips brushed against my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. Even in her sleep, she was endearing and tender.

Then, to my surprise, Rachel started talking in her sleep. Her words were slurred and mumbled, but I could make out bits and pieces of sentences. "Mmm, Billie... so soft... so warm..." she muttered, her lips pressing gentle kisses against one of my boobs. My breath hitched, a mixture of amusement and arousal flooding me.

Rachel continued, her voice low and sultry, "Can't believe how perfect you are... your fangs, your lips... wanna kiss you forever..."

A blush crept up my cheeks, my heart pounding at her words. Her innocence mixed with a hint of boldness was utterly captivating.

I leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head. "You're quite the dreamer, aren't you?" I whispered softly, my fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back. "I wonder what other secrets you have hidden in that beautiful mind of yours."

She sighed contentedly, her face nuzzling deeper into my chest. I chuckled quietly at the feeling of her breath. Rachel's monologue continued, a blend of hilariously endearing and slightly spicy musings.

"Billie... I love your boobs... they're like... pillows from heaven," she murmured, her words slurred but clear enough to make me giggle softly. She shifted slightly, her hand unconsciously moving to rest on my waist. "Maybe we can... spend all day... just like this," she continued, her voice trailing off into another sigh of contentment. Her words, innocent and sincere, touched me deeply. Rachel's sleep-talking was a window into her unfiltered thoughts, and I found it incredibly charming.

She nuzzled closer, her lips pressing a soft kiss to my chest. "Billie you're... mmm..so sexy..." she whispered, her voice filled with dreamy adoration. "Those eyes... like the ocean... so mesmerizing," she continued, her hand caressing my waist.

I bit my lip, trying to stifle my laughter that was about to slip out of my mouth and the hot blush that painted my cheeks.

Her words grew even bolder. "Your body... like a goddess... every curve beautiful... and those boobs... oh my God... so huge... so comfy..." Rachel mumbled, a dreamy smile playing on her lips.

I couldn't hold back any longer. My arms begun to shake and a burst of laughter escaped me, filling the room with its joyous sound. Rachel stirred slightly, her eyes blinked open slowly, her sleepy confusion quickly giving way to a blush as she realized she was cuddled up against my chest. "Morning, sleepyhead," I chuckled quietly at her cute reaction.

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