Chapter 3

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Charlotte would perk her head up and would turn it to the side, her hand holding her pen dropping to the table in front of her. She'd look at Marjorie, who clearly hadn't done any work the whole lesson. "Yeah?" Normally, she didn't mind talking to people in class, but when it was English she was always focused, and preferred to get on with her work. Though, of course, she wouldn't just ignore her.

"Okay. For the party tomorrow do you think I should wear this, or this?" Marjorie would turn her phone towards Charlotte under the table, a picture of two.. very revealing outfits on the screen. Charlotte's face would twist into a cringed expression as she looked at the outfits. They were certainly.. very Marjorie. "Uh.. Maybe something.. less revealing?"

"Less– Bloody hell, Char. I'm not an old lady going to bingo night. I think the first one, it just screams me." Marjorie would chuckle as she leaned back and continued browsing on her phone, very obviously not doing her work. Charlotte would sigh as she looked back to her book, adjusting the position of her pen in her hand and continuing to do work.


Both Marjorie and Charlotte would look up to see their teacher standing in front of the table. "Phone. You know the rules." It was a pretty common occurrence where Marjorie got told off by the teachers. She never did work apart from in drama, and that was a sight for sore eyes. Charlotte had gone to watch one of their performances once, and it was.. something to say the least.

"Bugger off."

"Do you want to go to isolation?"

Charlotte would turn her head to Marjorie and would give her a coaxing look. "Marjorie, it's just a phone. You'll get it back." Marjorie would sigh and would adjust her glasses before turning off her phone and sliding it over the table, the teacher picking it up without hesitation. "Thank you. Now get on with your work." The teacher would walk back to their desk and Marjorie would groan as she leaned back in her chair, resting her hands on the table in front of her. Charlotte would give her a sympathetic look before continuing with her work.

It would soon enough be lunch, and Charlotte would be sat down with the rest of the group around a picnic table outside. The group consisted of Charlotte, Marjorie, Autumn, Winter, Saoirse, Jodie, and Carly. Although Carly was much younger than the rest of them, she didn't really have any friends in her own year group, so she always hung out with them instead, and to be honest, they all treated her like a little sister. She was the baby of the group, and she took that with pride, and also took the benefits of it.

Charlotte would be going through her english notes and eating her sandwich while all the others were talking among themselves. It wasn't that she didn't like to talk, or that she was antisocial; she had just been so stressed with the upcoming exams that she had been hellbent on getting all of her notes perfect. In everyone else's eyes, she was the perfect student, and she wanted to keep it that way. She hated when others were disappointed in her.

"Oh my god guys, I need advice desperately! So, like, there's this super cute new boy in my classes, and.. I think I like him! But, how am I supposed to talk to him? I mean, he's so cute, and I can't mess it up! What if he hates me?" Carly would groan as she rested her head in her hands and Saoirse would chuckle as she took a bite out of an apple. "You'll be fine. Just, y'know, talk normally. Simple."

"Yeah, but, you're a lesbian! Like, a massive gay. He's a guy, not a girl. He's like.. Cool."

Saoirse would narrow her eyes at Carly as she took a much more aggressive bite out of her apple, and the younger girl would retreat back into herself. That was a problem Carly had, she always spoke more than she should – but that was what made her, her. "Girls aren't cool, huh? Alright, miss 10 years old."

"I'm 13!"

Marjorie would chuckle as she attempted to throw a crisp into her mouth, but it would hit the frame of her glasses instead and would fall onto the floor; which earned a stifled laugh from Autumn. "Marjorie, your mouth is big enough as it is. It can't be that hard to miss."

"I'll tell Reece you said that."

"Go ahead."

After spending almost the whole of lunch writing, Charlotte would finally finish and would put all of her notes and pens away into her bag, zipping it up. There was only about an hour left until the end of the day, and she couldn't be happier about it. She needed her coffee so desperately, and on top of that, she really needed to rest. She had been working so hard lately, and had recently broken up with her boyfriend, which nobody had realised just yet. It's not like it was affecting her too much, or, well, she didn't think so. But, deep down, it felt like a part of her was missing. She knew it was just because he was her first love, but it still stung. After being together for a year and a half, it wasn't easy to just get over so quickly.


"Hm?" Charlotte would look up to everyone except Autumn and Winter staring at her, and she'd look between them all, her face contorting into a confused one. "What?" She didn't know if she was just being silly, or if this felt like a confrontation, but either way she didn't really like it. Her hand would go to her necklace, and she would play with it between her fingers.

"Charlie, is your head in the clouds or somethin'? It's time to go. Y'know, to class. Unless you just wanna sit here for the rest of the day." Saoirse would get up and would sling her bag over her shoulders as she waited for Charlotte to collect herself and get up too. "Oh, right."

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