Chapter 4

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"Mia, you look fine. Let's go already."

Mia would scoff as she looked into her mirror, adjusting her hair so it sat perfectly on her shoulders, and framed her face how she wanted it to. She always had a habit of taking forever to get ready, not wanting to go out looking like a complete mess. If she couldn't have a nice personality, she wanted a nice appearance, and so far she had that going for her. She'd run her hands over her dress, smoothing out the crinkles. It was only a simple black dress which went to her thighs with a small slit in the side, but it was better than nothing. "I think I need to wear silver. Gold isn't doing it for me."

"For god's sake, cmon." Reece would get up and would grab Mia by the arm gently and her bag in his other hand, and would drag her out of her room and down the stairs. He had been waiting for her for over an hour, and he was growing impatient. He didn't fancy listening to her ramble about what was right and what was wrong for any longer. The two of them would exit the house and would get into Reece's car, making their way to the party.

It had only been a short drive, though a rocky one. The location was down some lane to an open field with an abandoned house. It was a pretty well known spot which had hosted a lot of parties over its time. Once they were there, the two of them would head in the direction of the loud music and lights, and would go inside. There were many people here, about a quarter of the school and some unknown faces.

Reece would go his own way to find Marjorie. She wasn't too happy about being left on her own, but what was new? She'd eventually find herself some gin to drink and would sit down on a worn out couch, watching people go by. Usually, she'd be up and about mingling with people, albeit mostly everyone only talking to her because of her looks and reputation and not actually because they liked her. But tonight she wasn't in the mood. She had come here for one reason, and one reason only.

To talk to Charlotte.

She knew she was going to be here. Reece had confirmed it from Marjorie.

So, she'd wait. She'd wait and drink too much for her own good, hoping she'd spot Charlotte eventually. It's not like they've spoken since the incident outside the coffee shop, and Mia was honestly confused with herself; why did she want to get to know Charlotte so badly? Was it because she was good? Was it because she was different from everyone else? Was it because she was the perfect person, something Mia could never dream of being?

Perhaps. She didn't know. But, she did want to find out why.

Half an hour, that felt like hours, would go by and Mia would be positioned where she had been since she had gotten to the party, a new cup of gin in her hand. She had been through quite a few already, and although she didn't want to admit it, it was hitting her pretty hard, which just made her all the more confident and bold – something she didn't know if it was good or bad.

Then, she would see her. Charlotte. A burgundy sleeveless tank with a black denim skirt, paired with a silver necklace and earrings; and her hair was tied half up and half down, unlike how she usually wore it up in a clip. Mia didn't know if it was the alcohol, the atmosphere or the lighting, but she had never seen a prettier girl in her life. She really was perfect, and Mia wasn't going to waste this chance.

She would get up from where she was, composing herself before walking over to the younger girl. She was with her friend Saoirse, happily chatting away, though it's not like Mia cared too much for interrupting. Once she approached the two girls, she would clear her throat and both heads would turn in her direction. Mia wouldn't spare Saoirse a glance, instead keeping her eyes focused on Charlotte's which seemed to be darting everywhere but to hers. "Charlotte. Mind if I talk to you?"


The Irish girl would scoff, gaining the red head's attention for a couple of seconds. "Oi, I aren't quite sure she wants to talk to the likes of you. I've seen how you treat people. You're a right cunt."

"Back down, terrier. Go find a carpet to munch." Mia would chuckle as Saoirse glared at her, before walking off, clearly not wanting to put up a fight in such a public place, and certainly not against Mia while people had the chance to record. Everyone knew if you got into a fight with Mia, it would spread like wildfire, and you would get the shorter end of the stick than her. Somehow, for some reason, she always managed to get off – even when she started it, and when she did the most harm. She was untouchable.

Charlotte would hold her necklace and would fidget with it as she looked around, hoping that one of her friends would whisk her away someplace else. It's not that she hated Mia, she just didn't think it would be a good idea to talk to her; not when she had hurt almost all of her friends in some way. "What do you want, Mia?"

"I just want a quick word, is that too much to ask?"


Mia would narrow her eyes for a second before taking a breath and a sip of her gin. "I just wanted to ask why you added me on snap. I mean, I don't think you like me too much, do you?" Mia wouldn't like herself either. She didn't like herself at all.

"No– I just– Carly thought it would be funny, that's all. And, I didn't want to just block you or ignore you.. That's cruel."

The redhead would scoff. Unbelievable. Was she just some big joke to everyone? She knew not many liked her, if any at all, but she had really believed that someone wanted to connect. She really believed that the one girl she couldn't stop thinking about would treat her differently. She felt like a fool. "Right. Well, sweetheart, thank you for letting me know. But just make sure your.. 'jokes' aren't going to bite you back. I wouldn't want that for you." She would wink at Charlotte, which made the girl completely crumble into herself and Mia would walk off. It's not very often Mia just lets something like that slide, usually she would start thinking of revenge straight away, or something to blow off steam, but she just felt.. lighter.

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