Chapter 3: 117- 4x2

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A/N: Again another summary written by me, that's what took me all day to figure out and post. If you think I missed the mark please let me know- Feedback is always appreciated.

The pack works together to try and put an end to Kate's plan while Chloe tries to protect a very confused, scared teenage Derek as she also protects her biggest secret.

Third Person POV

~Flashback- Beacon Hills High School, 2004~

Peter and Chloe are sitting in the crowded bleachers of the gym on a full moon waiting for Derek's basketball game start, it's a bit nerve racking for the Witch because her best friend didn't take her advice to stay home with Talia and Laura to focus on gaining control but in the end she couldn't talk him out of anything so only left one option: support him and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.

The sinking feeling in her stomach sets off alarm bells in her mind but she can't tell if that's her worry for Derek or her uncomfortableness due to Peter's arm locked around her shoulders despite her best efforts to get him off. "I have a bad feeling, I'm gonna go check on Derek." She mumbles quickly standing up, taking Peter by surprise.

Leaving the gym she can feel Peter following her and just rolls her eyes as they make their way to the boys locker room, only stopping to let the over excited team to rush past them. The sea of teens knocks Chloe off her feet and right into Peter who catches her, "Well, hi, Beautiful." He smirks at her, his hands resting a bit to long on her sides.

"Get the fuck off me." She groans pushing him back a bit to hard causing his back to hit the wall but his shirk doesn't drop from his face until she adds, "You do realize your nephew is just a few feet away, currently losing control to the full moon and even at his worst he'll still protect me from you, right? All I have to do is scream." A slow smirk forming on her face walking away to the door. Before opening it she looks over her shoulder watching as Peter comes up behind her, "You do anything I don't like, anything to make this worse for him, I will use my magic and throw your sorry ass back out this door... are we clear?"

"Crystal." He nods, reaching past her and opening the door.

Walking in the two find Derek on the floor of the shower, partially shifted and his eyes glowing blue- Chloe's flickering green when she sees them- while running cold water over himself in a failing attempt to calm down. As he looks up and sees Peter standing next to Chloe, with small but obvious signs she's uncomfortable he growls. "Easy Der, it's just us." She whispers gently, reaching past him to turn the water off.

Peter grabs his jersey, lifting Derek to his feet who's quick to try and argue; "I thought... I thought I could control it."

Scoffing, annoyed at the risk Derek's taking, Peter replies, "All this risk, just for a basketball game?"

"It's the finals! They need me." Derek argues, shoving Peter off and brushing past to leave, a bit more in control in the moment.

"He's right, Peter." the young Witch argues, "He needs to get enough control to be able to be out there."

To which Peter replies, "So he can do what? Rip someone's throat out on the court?" Watching as Derek stumbles around in pain, struggling to control himself as he bumps into walls and lockers.

Chloe steps closer to help him but Peter grabs her arm so tightly his hand momentarily leaves a mark before it heals. "Alright, that's enough, you're not helping." She groans ripping her arm from Peter's hold, her eyes glowing green before Peter goes flying forward, past Derek and into the door, the glass window breaks when he hits it which is followed by the sound of him getting up and leaving in annoyance.

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