Chapter 4: Muted- 4x3

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A/N: Again another summary written by me!

Sheriff Stilinski investigates a murder that has an unlikely witness, Scott has his place on the Lacrosse team threatened by a freshman, Derek's struggling with his mental health from Kate's latest attack, and a wave of reality hits Chloe when her life is at risk.

Third Person POV

~Flashback- Beacon Hills High School, 7 days earlier~

It takes a few moments for Derek to process the fact that he's back to being his old self again and that's when he sees his girlfriend bleeding on the floor, "Sweetheart, you okay?" He asks softly, crouching down at her side pulling her into his arms with a kiss to the side of her head as he stands up, holding her. She nods slightly against his chest, her vision blurred from the blood. "Let's get you home."

Shaking her head she responds, "No... Hospital. Talk to Melissa." Her voice shaken and weak as she struggles to stay conscious with her head injury.

"Okay... Okay, Sweetheart." He agrees despite being even more confused on top of everything else but knows better than to argue with her, especially right now in all the confusion.

~End of Flashback~

Somewhere in Beacon Hills, it's late at night and Sean Walcott is walking outside his house, and down his front steps looking for his cat, "Willow? Willow!" He calls for the animal while looking up and down the dark and empty street... no cat in sight so he heads back inside, locking the door behind him as he says, "Mom? I can't find her." To his mother upstairs before going around the house to turn off all the lights. But as he does, something isn't sitting right with him, his mother hasn't responded, "Mom?" Flipping off the last few lights, "I'm going to bed." And heading upstairs.

As he moves through the house the wood creaks but every time he looks behind him for the source there's nothing there, he's quick to close his bedroom door behind him anyway before climbing into bed. Leaning over to shut off his desk lamp he notices bloody cat paw prints on the carpet moving under his bed, when he investigates he realizes it's just his cat Willow, "Hey, you... What are you doing under there?" Grabbing his lamp to get a better look he finds Willow is soaked in blood, which startles to the point he falls off his bed.

Getting back to his feet he suddenly hears his family screaming as they're being brutally murdered. His mother crying out for help, "OH GOD! HELP ME!"

He stands there in fear and shock eventually building up the courage to open his door, and when he does the house immediately falls awkwardly and scarily silent for a few moments before a dark figure walks into Sean's line of sight with a blood dripping tomahawk in hand.

Sean slams his bedroom door shut, locking it just before the tomahawk cuts into the wood and he runs into his bathroom locking that door and trying to hide and then find something to defend himself with, but there is nothing. The killer breaks through the bedroom door and walks across the to the bathroom, where they turn the knob to open the door but it's locked so they stand there, typing on a small keyboard before a computerized voice speaks, "Hello, Sean. I just killed your family." Taunting him, "Do you want to die like them? Begging for your life? Or, do you want to fight? I'll give you some help. Wrap a towel around your fist. Smash the mirror. Use one of the shards to defend yourself." Sean looks at mirror and back at the door where the voice speaks again, "Go ahead. I'm waiting." Sean grabs a towel, wrapping it around his hand, "Are you ready, Sean? Because here I come." But instead of punching the mirror he had another idea.

Glass breaks in the bathroom, pieces dropping to the floor and at the sound of the shattering the killer kicks in the bathroom door only to find that Sean had busted out the window and is running down the street.

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