Chapter Sixxx

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Once the first week of university started, the dorms were hit with chaos. Nobody expected uni to be quite this way, everyone seemed to have different ideas going in, and you were constantly in and out of your room, grabbing lunch with new people or ones you met over the first weekend or meeting others in the library to start strong with study groups. Syllabuses were given out in pages and it's a bit daunting to be able to see exactly when term papers or midterms or finals or reports or any number of tests will be given out in the near future. It really makes you sit back and have to reschedule your life around it all.

To sum up, the first week flew by and going into the second one, you were hit with a nasty flu.

"I can't fucking miss – it's way too early for this shit." You grumbled towards Yelena who was up already, fully dressed, and you crawled out of bed wrapped in a blanket with a box of tissues clutched to your chest.

"You look shit," She pointed out and you made a face, "And I already emailed your teachers from your account saying you'd get the lecture notes online – sorry, but you're staying in bed."

"I love you and hate you right now," You muttered, gratefully trudging back to burrow under the blankets, sighing in relief when your achy body curled in on itself, "Mostly love though."

"I'm just happy you're not contagious anymore, Scott and Pietro are nice, but bunking with them was chaotic."

"Aw, you like being my roomie." You teased and she scoffed.

"I'm going to lunch with Natasha and Steve before he has his lecture at one."

"My art history class with Stevie." You pouted quietly before she continued.

"Want anything since I'll be out?"

"I'm out of cold medicine and maybe some crackers."

"You're out because you chugged the bottle yesterday and were knocked out cold for eighteen hours!" She laughed.

"I thought I'd wake up a new man or die a pathetic one."

"You thought overdosing on liquid cold medicine would grow you a penis? You really are insane."

"And you sound like your mother."

"Oh, shut up!" She called on her way out, but you could hear her joking tone, knowing she wasn't really upset.

"Thank you!"

"Get better!" She yelled right before shutting the door.

You were under the blanket with your phone since you hadn't gotten a terrible headache after the first day and were smiling at all the 'get well soon' texts from Steve, Scott, Hope, and Maria. They all had different variations of the same type of text, but they were all sweet and even Loki sent one saying you better not get them sick, making you laugh at the colorful words they used.

A couple days later, you were going into your Friday classes, keeping your head down in shame because you thought it was embarrassing or seen as disgraceful for missing this early in the semester and you were relieved to realize nobody gave a shit. Because you're paying to be there and it's your choice, you're all adults, but it was definitely a shock from high school, in the best way of course.

After that, you went back to the dorm to change into your soccer kit for your first practice of the season, since you missed two already, and you walked to the field with Yelena, talking about why pine trees are better than palm trees.


"But the palm ones are taller."

"They look stupid with lights hung on them, Christmas in July vibes, and Santa don't belong in a thong on a sandy beach – it's just weird." You pointed out and she sighed, giving in.

"You're right, I don't know why I started this."

"Because you've never seen a palm tree in real life, they can be underwhelming and shorter than you'd expect – kind of like Tony." You added when you spotted your brother.

"Hey!" He whined, looking offended before he realized something, "Haven't seen you in days, smartass, where've you been? Get yourself a 'study buddy'?"

"Gross." Yelena scrunched her nose in disgust, and you chuckled.

"I flu away."

"What the hell is she talking about?" He pointed to you while looking at Yelena.

"She had the flu."

"Ah," He took a massive step back, "Thanks for telling me before we stood so close."

"Hey, man, you approached me!"

"Alright, calm down." Yelena patted your shoulder and you huffed.

"In your flustate, did you forget this weekend is parent's weekend?" He asked, crossing his arms with a smirk, and you shot him a look of surprise before groaning loudly, shaking your head, "Oh, yeah, that's right."

"No, no, no." You muttered in distress and Yelena looked amused.

"Hey, I did it for my freshman parent's weekend, it's your turn to take over when they get here."

"You didn't think to mention it?" You looked to Yelena, and she shrugged.

"Mine don't come, so it didn't really cross my mind."

"Lucky." Tony scoffed under his breath, but you kind of felt bad.

"You can have ours." You offered genuinely and she snorted a laugh, shaking her head.

"No, no, Natasha never told them about it because she didn't want them coming around and I'm cool with it, it's completely by choice."

"Seeing your hot mom would've eased the pain of this weekend." Tony deadpanned like he's told Natasha this before.

"I really gotta meet this sister of yours." You chuckled, wondering how you haven't two weeks into the semester.

"She's been so pissed lately, doubt it's a good time." Yelena told you with a wary look in her eyes, "She doesn't even want to come to tomorrow's game because of someone, but she wouldn't say who."

"It's a senior though," Tony pointed out, "Because she was talking to Steve about someone she met and then when Maria and a few of the other senior girls came in, she went all quiet and got so damn angry," He started laughing when he added, "I thought Steve was going to wet himself."

"Maria's a senior?" You thought out loud, wondering how you missed that since you guys have been talking for a bit now, but neither of you have mentioned the few shared kisses between you guys either, so.

"Yeah, but I gotta go, I'm meeting Rhodes to get coffee – you'll take care of mom and dad, right?" He started walking backwards with raised eyebrows, pointing at you, but before you could even shake your head no, he was yelling as he spun around triumphantly, "Knew I could count on you little sis!"

"I hate him."

Yelena just laughed and you guys continued the rest of the way towards the field just as the rest got there. Maria jogged up to you happily, excited you weren't ill anymore, and telling you she was nervous about the game tomorrow. You were a little anxious for it too, but whenever she mentioned the party Sunday night after the parents leave, you couldn't help but to secretly hope Button – god, you needed a name desperately – would be there like the last party you went to.

Turns out, the soccer game tomorrow was kind of a big event for parent's weekend, so they would bring a crowd with other first year students, and it was only more nerve wracking that now you knew Button would probably be watching, but at least you'd finally be able to meet Yelena's sister.

Even if that also meant your mom and dad would be watching you too.

Should go smoothly.

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