Chapter Nine

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"Hey, is Y/n in here?"

"Yeah, she's in the showers, but you're free to wait in here for her."

"Okay, thanks."

You squeezed your eyes shut and willed yourself to get in the shower instead of just going out to see her because you did smell terrible, so you rushed your complete process while under the water, getting out in record time while still managing to smell amazing.

The plan was to act like you had no idea Natasha was out there waiting for you, changing into a jumper and some shorts since the water cooled on your skin once out of the steam, wanting a bit of warmth, and then casually strolling out while you toweled your hair dry. But this wasn't at all possible with a pissed off Maria on your tail and a chatty Brenda who always manages to get your blood boiling.

"Oh, hey, Natasha! Did you enjoy the game?" You heard fucking Brenda ask and you just prayed she'd spontaneously get set on fire and then continue to burn in hell.

"Yeah, I did, you headed out?"

"Yes, it's parent's weekend and my mom brought my baby sister."

Ew, why on earth would the mom want more after this one? Rosemary knew enough not to keep going, Mrs. Brenda should too.

"Aw, that's nice, have fun."


God, that voice is worse than a dying cat scratching a chalkboard while pigs are getting slaughtered across the street.

You seriously considered dropping out of not only the soccer team, but university in general the first day you met Brenda. The forms are still half filled out in your desk drawer back at the dorms, waiting for the day you break.

"Couldn't talk to me before a game, but I'm sure you'll make your parents wait so you can talk to her."

"Maria, come on, it's not like that." You tried as she followed you out and as soon as you spotted the confused and maybe hurt look on Natasha's face, you knew she heard you.

But then your eyes met and neither of you could help smiling at each other, feeling a weird rush of warmth to your middle every time she gave you a smirk or really any sort of attention because it was a weird pull towards each other that you couldn't explain. And you wouldn't dare try to explain it to anyone because you'd either end up sounding super cheesy and weird or like a lovesick puppy for someone you hardly knew.

"Keep telling yourself that." She scoffed and Natasha's gaze went from you to her, her stare hardening on the brunette.

"Just came to congratulate you on the game." She told you both, still looking to Maria who huffed a dark chuckle.

"We lost." Maria deadpanned, almost like she was stupid.

"Doesn't mean you didn't play well," Natasha hummed, her eyes flicking back to you again and it kind of felt like she was commenting on your playing specifically, "Haven't seen you about in over a week, guess you've been busy practicing."

"That, plus classes and this one's been sick." Maria answered again as you felt your cheeks go warm in embarrassment as she nodded over to you.

"Yeah, Yelena told me," Natasha kept her attention on you like Maria wasn't even there and you were the one actually speaking to her, "Wish I'd known sooner though, would've stopped by, but I'm glad you're feeling better, or, at least, you played today like you were feeling better."

"I am," You cleared your throat when your voice came out strained, "I'm better, yeah, thanks."

"I'm going out with Monica and Brenda tonight," Maria turned to you, only letting you and Natasha stare at each other in soft fond for a certain amount of time, and you scrunched your nose up at the second name, "We're going to get drinks with some of the team, are you coming?"

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