Chapter Ten

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The rest of parents' weekend actually went quite smoothly. Your mom got pretty emotional saying goodbye and tracking Tony down to do so, leaving your dad and you to wander around getting a coffee and tea respectfully. But that just gave you the perfect opportunity to present your case properly about the house right on the edge of campus. It was perfect.

"You just started university," He debated boldly, knowing what he did, and you kept walking next to him, letting him get his concerns out there as you sipped your drink, "And purchasing real estate isn't something to go about lightly – you're a Stark, this property will follow you for the rest of your life if I put it under your name, young lady. Think of the future. Everyone will know you bought a frat house as your first step into the housing market."

"It's not a frat house," You calmly argued, "It's on-campus housing that can be rented out to other students long after me and Tony have graduated. The housing situation I'm in now is downright embarrassing and you let Tony get one," You paused, but not long enough where he could come up with a proper response like renting or dues or whatever, "And if you're still questioning my judgement when it comes to this type of risk, I should probably start questioning yours."

"Excuse me?" He scoffed, a mix of offended and amused, and probably a bit confused as to where this was coming from.

You checked your phone while he gaped at you, smiling at the message Natasha sent you in response to yours which basically just texted her to let her know who you were and so she could have your number, but your expression seemed to anger and confuse him even more.

"We're discussing business, this isn't a humorous matter – maybe you're worse than Tony when it comes to making important decisions."

"And maybe if you spent an ounce of the time you used criticizing my brother's choices and actually used that to pay attention to all the impressive shit he's accomplished, you would change your mind. But we're talking business, not parental failures, yeah?"

He fish mouthed a little, coming to a stop where you could both see Tony being wrangled into a mom sized squeeze of a hug, pretending not to love it, in the parking lot in front of the driver who was holding the door open for her. You smiled as you watched them, Tony catching your eye then rolling his, but even from here you could see him trying not to blush and smile.

"What I did back then to-"

"I just want to have a fun time in university," You placated, hoping to play into his memories of youth, but going back to the stone age was probably reaching, "I want to drink, play video games, throw things off a roof, laugh with my friends, kiss girls, and study my ass off while kept awake for days straight by too many red bulls and knockoff cocaine. Gimme the house. Feed the dream."

A somewhat restrained smile, a firm handshake, and a nod was all it took before you were running over to your mom and Tony, tackling her into a hug and kissing her cheek.

Tony smirked, watching you as he crossed his arms, "Guessing someone just got a house."

You shrugged helplessly before wiggling your eyebrows, and he was already rolling his eyes again by the time you responded, "Wooing the ladies isn't the only thing I'm good at."

So, after they left, you went back to your dorm and texted the current group chat about the house a couple hours later and before you could even add that they could all take their time to think about it or whatever, they were replying with excited yeses. Besides Steve. But you'd have to get his number from Tony or Sam because you didn't know the blonde that well yet. Texting Natasha back and forth outside the group chat was something entirely different and you were honestly thankful for the space in between messages so you could properly think of replies instead of making a fool of yourself on the spot. Gave yourself suave points, that's for sure.

"Okay, but how do we find Rogers since he's not answering his damn texts? Do we start waving flags and preaching about freedom orrrr do we start shouting shit about communism and being pro-life to rile his ass up and over here? Someone find Bucky."

"Shit, this is a hard choice."

"Not a pro one."

"Guys! Shut up, he's playing golf with Tony in the park." Sam butted in helpfully, rude, but still informative.

"How romantic." You muttered while Pietro furrowed his eyebrows at the same time asking, "He golfs?"

Sam let out a deep sigh and the three of you headed towards the course, with the mission of recruiting your last housemate on all your minds. And churros, but you're only humans and there was a cart on the way.

"Keep the change, you gorgeous man."

"Y/n, ENOUGH." Sam scolded unseriously, and then the three of you made your way to the course, hopping on a cart you quickly rented.

You drove while Pietro rode shotgun and Sam held onto the pole as he sat in the back. You flicked the radio around a bit to find a song as you headed toward where you could see a buff blonde and your troll brother chatting over their sticks. Homo.

You turned the volume up as the radio played Unwritten by Bedingfield, making you smirk as you gained speed toward them while Steve and Tony started processing exactly who was heading for them, not slowing down in the slightest.

"Something in the distance..." You sang mostly to yourself and then Pietro started laughing, so you shouted it louder, "So close you can almost taste it, release your inhibitions!" And Steve broke off running, leaving Tony in the dust as you turned to head towards him, flooring it, "FEEL THE RAIN ON YOUR SKIN, ONLY I CAN FEEL IT FOR YOU!!" Pietro joining in as Sam cackled uncontrollably, "ONLY YOU CAN LET IT IN! NO ONE ELSE NO ONE ELSE!"

Steve stumbled off to the side laughing as he fell to the ground and you guys came to an abrupt stop before piling out and tackling him football style, but the goal of this was very similar because instead of retrieving a ball from his arms, you aimed to punch both of his.

"No! NO!" He shouted, fear and laughter lacing his voice, "Why???"

You backed up in defeat, a bit out of breath, and Pietro reached over to pluck a dandelion from the grass as he laid on his back, resting on his elbows, to place it behind the blonde's ear.

"Will you do the honor of-" You started but then Sam cut you off, shaking his head as Tony slowly approached you guys, more curious than alarmed.

"You gotta do it right."

It took you a second before you snapped back into it, "Of course," You got up to be on one knee, presenting your phone like a ring box with the group chat opened like you were revealing the ring, "Will you, Steven Elizabeth Rogers, do us all the honor of-"

"My middle name's not Elizabeth."

"-being one of the seven housemates in a house we found?"

"There's literally eight of us." Pietro noted out loud.

"Not important." You gritted out and Pietro shrugged, muttering, "I'm just sayin', if he says yes, there won't be seven, there'll be eight and-"

"Maximoff, can it." Sam mumbled.

"I just don't want him surprised by someone – what if he doesn't know about Loki or Scott and that weird farm animal smell his room always has?"

You dropped your arms to look at Pietro with slight disgust, "He must be hiding like a goat or something, right? It's so weird."

"I vote chicken." Sam added and Steve laughed, shaking his head.

"I must be concussed or something, but yeah, I'll live with you guys."

"Aw, how cute," Tony mocked as you all cheered and you glared at him before he returned it, unamused when he asked, "Mind if we get back to our game or would you four like to go for a girl's day first?"

"Sexist pig."

"Twinkle toes. Heavy on the twink."

'Wow' you mouthed to Sam and Pietro before you all scurried up to get back on the golfcart, probably to accidentally drive it into the lake.

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