Chapter Eighteen

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You were buzzing the whole trip back to campus and you couldn't stop smiling or sit still in your seat. When your seat became your girlfriend's lap, you were much more settled and straddling her waist while kissing lazily in the morning after staying up all night was top three of your favorite things to do now.

Kissing Natasha Romanoff is an addiction.

She didn't seem to mind when you stole kisses the whole way back to the houses or how you pouted sadly outside your door when she needed to get back to hers across the way because she had to get ready for classes and lacrosse practice later. She kissed the pout right off your lips, gave you a hug with requested ass squeeze, and you laughed before finally letting her go, but she looked almost as hesitant, she just hid it better.

You hummed as you made your way through the house, dropping your bag in your room before going back downstairs to the kitchen. It was still barely nine in the morning and anyone who didn't have lectures or was skipping them because of a party last night was still sleeping, so you weren't surprised to only find Steve and Scott in the kitchen eating cereal.

"I think I feel like making brunch for everyone." You told them with a smile after they gave you sleepy nods in greeting and then Steve furrowed his eyebrows while Scott looked interested, abandoning his bowl to see whatever you were offering.

"You can't cook." Steve pointed out.

"I'd try anything once." You shot back, wiggling your eyebrows with a grin, and he just looked more confused as he studied you.

"I'm guessing things with your dad went well." Scott said as he hopped off the stool to help.

"Yeah, he's taking care of the whole Pietro thing." You nodded, feeling a little bad for forgetting the purpose of the trip, but then not really blaming yourself all too much because you went with those intentions.

"Can I tell him?" Scott asked excitedly and before you could even warn him to wait until he was awake, he was halfway up the stairs.

"You seem different." Steve narrowed his eyes and you decided against making food because he was right, you truly didn't even know where to start, so you leaned across the counter in front of him with a mischievous smile instead, having an idea.

"I'm happy, Steven, I'm happy," You couldn't help but to keep smiling because everything from the past six or so hours kept coming to mind, "Now, will you make everyone brunch?"

"No, I wo – oh my god, something happened with Natasha, didn't it?"

"Ugh, Steve," You scoffed in disgust, and he deflated a little until you spat, "Get my girlfriend's name out of your whore mouth!"

"Girlfriend???" Yelena shouted so loud you could've sworn the house shook and now you knew everyone was awake and Steve really needed to get going on the brunch he promised Scottish, but you laughed when she tackled you into a hug, making you fall awkwardly to the floor with her, "I knew it! I knew it'd happen!"

"Lena, I'm thrilled you're happy," You groaned in pain as she elbowed your ribs unknowingly, "But get the fuck off me, I can't breathe."

"Oops, sorry, sorry." She chuckled, getting up ungraciously as she slipped, bunking her head on yours.

"Ow! Lena!" You shouted in pain, and she cringed before Steve helped you both untangle, trying not to laugh, but when you were both upright again, he was shaking his head with a smile.

They did all eventually make it to their lectures after you tried and burned a few things, but you couldn't really be bothered all that much. You went up to your room and dug a canvas out of the back of your closet before opening some fresh paints and getting to work on something you just couldn't be stopped from making.

About four hours later, you stepped back to see the window, but beyond that was the moon shining from behind some tall buildings, no a star in that clear midnight sky, but some clouds had mist around the moon like a soft blanket.

You were always fascinated with the moon and found yourself staring at it for hours during the night sometimes since it wasn't always visible when you lived in the city, but here it was always so bright. There'd usually be a litter of stars nearby, especially when it wasn't full, but even in the crescent last night, the sky was clear, and it was wonderful.

You painted from memory and as it dried, you laid down on the floor, some paint streaks across your nose, one or two of your cheeks, and your hands practically invisible with the whites, blues, and grays that were the base.

You were exhausted in the best way, and you saw the wisps of red hair you painted in the corner of the window, making you smile.

You wiped off a hand and smiled even wider when you saw Natasha had texted you about getting food at the corner shop near the lacrosse field since she was finishing up practice soon and you wrote her a quick reply saying you'd meet her there in an hour. It gave you both plenty of time to clean up and get much needed showers before grabbing a something.

But it was going to be a date, and you still couldn't get over it, even after everything.

You smiled at the painting, noticing the small details you had added at the bottom of the window where you had painted the start of a counter, showing chocolate muffin crumbs and a part of a disposable cup where drips of hot chocolate were sliding down the side. The main focus of the painting was definitely the moon, it stuck out the most and all the attention was drawn to it, but the little details were what had you replaying those moments over and over in your mind.

You took a shower, watching as the grey mix of colors swirled down the drain, and then changed into something comfortable but date appropriate before heading over to the shop. You smiled, scrunching your nose up, to stop yourself from fonding too hard where you'd get looks from other people, when you spotted her already sitting at one of the little outdoor tables with a drink for each of you.

"Hey," She stood up as soon as she noticed you and smiled when you kissed her cheek with a quick hug before sitting down across from her, "You smell amazing, is that strawberry?"

"Yeah," You nodded and then frowned when she did before she tugged at your chair, helping you slide it closer to her, so you were now only a couple inches apart, "Better?"

"I'd say so," She shrugged before handing over the cup she got you, "I ordered you tea, but I thought we could get a sandwich or something?"

"If you keep bringing me tea, I am going to fall in love with you." You warned teasingly and she smiled to herself, looking down at her lap for a moment, so you took a sip and melted when you realized, but she must've noticed.

"Yorkshire's your favorite, right?"

"Have my babies." You deadpanned without missing a beat and she snorted a laugh, covering her mouth with a hand since she was caught off guard.

"I'm going to get us a few of those mini sandwiches," She told you as she stood up, leaning down to kiss you quickly, "That way we don't have to pick a kind."

"Seriously, you're gonna need to stop being so sexy, I'm going to pass out."

"And I got you a pack of Mallomars from the vending machine before practice, they're in my bag if you want something sweet, I'll be right back."

"Take me on the mother fucking table." You mumbled to yourself, but you heard her laughing loudly as she walked away, so you knew she caught it.

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