First day of school! Tetia and her new friends?!

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Surashi Tetia, a young girl who had just moved into town with her older sister for about a week now, was currently getting ready for her first day of school since transferring. She stood in front of her tall mirror, inspecting every little detail about her uniform and hair. Frustration was evident with the loud huff that left her when she tightens the tie that kept part of her hair up, giving it a little bump up only to watch it bounce back down into place.

The red fabric of her cardigan was already smoothed out when her hands brushed it unnecessarily, fixing her socks without reason and neatly folding the sleeves of her undershirt to keep the cardigan sleeves from falling any lower than her elbows. She even straightens the tie around her neck that was already perfect enough, just looking for an excuse to fidget and fix what little imperfections she saw.

Tetia was so focused on her own appearance that she completely missed the sound of her room door being opened, light footsteps creeping towards her.

It was only until the shadow of a face came into view from her mirror that she quickly whirled around with a gasp, hands immediately coming up to shove at the figure.

"Careful now!"

A playful voice echoed immediately followed by giggles.

Laughter filled the room when her hands were caught by slightly bigger ones, as though they knew she would react this way.

She immediately darts her head up to meet her sister's wide smile, her own startled expression softens at the sight of her. Retracting her hands from her sister's, she turns around again to continue inspecting herself with a sigh.

"Hey come on now, you look fine. Are you almost ready? I've got breakfast downstairs waiting for you, wouldn't want your bacon waffles going cold..."

Her voice was sweet like honey, soothing almost with how her youngest was reacting. Her sister had placed her hands gently on Tetia's shoulders, giving a small but encouraging shake as another long sigh leaves the youngest.

"I know, I know... It's just first days are always the scariest, I don't know what to expect from people."

Her voice was so low it was almost a whisper, anxiety on full display as she fiddles with the hem of her red cardigan.

"That's completely normal, Tetia. You'll be fine and you'll make lots of friends, I promise! Whatever happened to my fearless bug lover who had so many friends before?"

Her older sister teased, positivity radiating off her as she gathers Tetia's things and stuffs them neatly into her school bag. Handing her bag, she roughly yet playfully tussled her younger sister's hair earning a loud groan from the youngest and a small chuckle out of the oldest.

"I can do all of this myself, ya know. But.... Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be so scared."

A confident grin grew on the corners of her lips at the sight of herself in her school uniform, bag and helmet, turning with a slight jog out her room. Stopping at the door to glance over at the line of cacti along the window ledge.

"Goodbye my babies! I'm off to school!"

With that, she and her sister made their way downstairs to find the plate of breakfast served and ready for her to eat. Tetia takes her seat at the dining table, wasting no time in chowing down on her meal. The oldest takes the seat across from her, elbow resting on the table as her chin finds the palm of her hand to watch her sister. When both of their eyes meet, there's a certain glint in Tetia's eyes before she swallows.

"These are the WORST waffles I've ever had, thank you..."

There's a playful tone in Tetia's voice between each bite of food, the ghost of a grin tempting her lips as she takes another mouthful. Her sister responds with a roll of her eyes, stopping briefly in a specific direction before a sly grin grows across her lips.

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