The Rescue I

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Y/N pulled herself up in a sitting position and stretched. While she was stretching she was yawning.

She then fluttered her eyes open, rubbing her eyes. "Is it morning already-" she blindly looked at the group of goons staring at her from behind the cage."what and who are you guys looking at-" she looks at her nubs that were now hands. Her eyes widen. She looked back at the group, then back at her hands, she started touching her face to make sure it's real. She then pinches her cheeks "oww... Bad idea... HEY WHY ARE YOU GUYS STILL LOOKING!! I GUESS NOW I HAVE THE RIGHTS TO CALL ALL OF YOU KIDNAPPERS AND PERVERTS!!!"

They all quickly darted away. Except for Rascal, he was staring directly at her with his dark mask. She could easily tell he was looking at her, judging by his face. "You do realize your no longer a pixie? I hope your not as much as a pain as those three, idiots." He growled.

"Nope, I'm always staying my usual self. So get used to it maniac."

"Fine, have it your way. Brooha?" Rascal looked back at Brooha.

"Yeah yeah I know I'm already on it. While your waiting, why not feed our prisoner?"

"Does it really look like we're a home? I DO NOT FEED OR MAKE FOOD!! Nor do I eat food. Besides why me. Why not Ulrik, at least he wouldn't care. I hate her too much to want to feed her." He pouted.

"IM NOT HUNGRY!! AND DONT TREAT ME LIKE AN ANIMAL IN A ZOO!! I wish I wasn't the centre of attention here..." She held her knees and glided her way to the darkest corner so she could think properly.

"Huh, will you look at that. She's not hungry.. At least I don't get to feed her. Bleh!" He grinned.

"So when do you think it will be finished?" Rascal gave a glance at Brooha.

"I should say about 3 or 5 hours, depending on how stubborn that brat will be." Brooha rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll keep her busy enough for you to work on it. So leave it to me." He looked over at the girl that was crawled in a corner.

Y/N heard every word and pushed her head down into her ball of thoughts. All she could think of was their plan, F/N and her new friends.

But her main thought was how worried F/N must be. It's been one night already since I've left. She wants to go back. Just to make sure that F/N knows I'm alright.

Y/N was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize that that clown was poking her head.

"Hey sleepy head, what's wrong? You seem to lack the excitement." He sat on the cage waving his legs, smiling evilly.

"Leave me alone idiot. I don't feel like talking to you..-"

"But your talking to me right now? So why not ask some questions? You ask Questions and I answer. And in return you will answer my questions. Got it darling?" He had his hands on his cheeks now sitting on his stomach looking down at her from on top of the cage.

Her cheeks turned pale pink as she turned away so he couldn't see her flustered. "Fine, so. What's your name?"

"Rascal, I get my name by my looks and how I act." He chuckles sinisterly.

"Okay.. What is this place? Where am I?" She let out a sigh.

"Your in the shadow realm honey, it's the home of the.. Not so secret base. Of Emperor Nogo. My master." He waved his finger around smiling.

"Hmmm... Why do you work with these people. And why do you call that Nogo.. Master?" She tilted her head.

"The reason why I'm working with them is because I offered them a deal they can never refuse. It's what all beings desire most.-"

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