The shadow realm

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Y/N opens their eyes to see that she was lying in blowing grass and fluffy white clouds. Although, it seemed to be different as she recalled, she didn't feel the same vibe. It felt more, stranger.

She then sat up.

'Oh, it's this dream again. Why do I still have this dream? I don't understand. Does something want me to search for an answer?' She watched as the wind blew the grass in a direction.

Until, Y/N heard several laughter. Then all of the laughter joined into one clear yet creepy laugh.

She had a shiver down her spine as she jumped up, and jolted her eyes everywhere around her. Before she looked up. She heard another laugh.

'Why does it sound so familiar?'

She wouldn't dare look back. But before she could even think, she had already looked back and took a few steps back in shock.

'No.... No, no.... It... Can't be....'



The shadow realm

Ulrik was pissed off at the fact that glitter Lucky kicked him in the face. He rubbed his muzzle as he glances over at brooha who entered the room.

"Hey you flea bag where did you put my mirror bracelet? It seems that I've 'lost' it?" She made a fake expression.

"Oh. You mean that charm bracelet? I threw it away.. It looked too, 'friendshipy'" He groaned.

"Oh why does EVERYONE in this shadow realm throw away my creations!!" She whined.

"Oh well maybe it's because your stuff always looks like junk." He hissed.

"Oh what ever you dumb fur ball." She growled as they both heard a creepy laugh before they both made that 'annoyed' face.

"Well, well. Looks like somebody woke up in a bad mood" The joker laughed.

"Ugh, go away Rascal. I don't need you to make fun of me with your bad puns. I already had to deal with Lucky and my face." He growled as Rascal laughed.

"Excuse me you two idiots as go find my mirror bracelet!" Brooha ran out of the room stomping her small feet against the floor.

"Now tell me, how hard did it hurt? Did it really knock some sense into you?" He grinned.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because I pissed her off so much. And that it's because of this girl I lifted into the air." He continued to growl.

"A girl? All of that because of a girl.... That's priceless! So what was so special of this girl that made you pick her up?" He chuckled.

"She didn't have the effect. Nothing negative came out of her. Except for the start. But that idiot, Lucky-" He was cut off by the look of Rascal's face.

"Hmm.... It seems that we have another special 'glitter' Girl." He had his hand on his chin smiling evilly. "I'm gonna need to have a chat with this 'girl'" He laughed as he disappeared in a pile of cards and planned to follow Brooha.

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