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Jimin was pretty much the only one who'd never been to a school dance and frankly, I didn't know whether he even know how to dance at all.

I admit that I also had some concern about what he would wear, though it wasn't something I would tell him. When jimin went anywhere he usually wore sweatshirt or sweater we saw in school everyday, but the homecoming dance was supposed to be special. Most of the girls bought new dresses and the boy wore suits, and this year we were bringing in a photographer to take out pictures. I knew jimin wasn't going to buy new clothes. I didn't Want him to wear same thing he wore to school everyday, either. Not so much for me. I'm not that cold hearted but because of what others might say. I didn't want
People to make fun of him or anything.

The good news, if there was any, was that Jungkook didn't rib me too bad about whole jimin situation because
He was too busy thinking about his own date. He was taking yoongi, who was the head of basketball team. He was nice in his own way. Jungkook offered to double date with me, but i turned him down because I didn't want to take any chance with Jungkook teasing jimin or anything like that. He was a nice guy but he could be kind of heartless sometime.

The day of the dance was actually quite busy for me. I spent most of the afternoon helping to decorate, and I had to get to jimin's house half hour early because his father wanted to talk to me, though I didn't know why. One on me just the day before, and i can't say I was exactly thrilled by the prospect of it. I figured he was going to talk about temptation and evil path it can lead us to. If he bought up fornication, though, I knew i would die right there on the spot. I said small prayers all day long in hope of avoiding this conversation, but i wasn't sure if God would put my prayers on the front burner, if you know what I mean, because of the way I'd behave in the past. I was pretty nervous just thinking about it.

After i showered I put on my best suit, swung by the florist to pick up jimin's corsage, then drove to his house. I reached to his house i knocked and waited for a moment finally the door creaked open.

"Hello mr. Park," i said swallowing my trepidation. "I'm here to take jimin to the homecoming dance."

"Ofcourse you are," he said. "But first, I wanted to talk with you."

" Yes, sir, that's why I came early."
" C'mon i."

He motioned for me to sit down. I am sorry it took. A little while to open the door.

I sat down.

" That's okay, sir." I said.

"All right then, so tell me about yourself."

I thought it was a fairly ridiculous question, with him having such a long history together with my family and all. he and my father used to work together.

"Well, sir," i began, not really knowing what to say, " I'm the student body president. I don't know whether jimin mentioned that to you."

He nodded." he did. Go on"

"And ......well I hope to go to the university next fall. I've already received the application.

He nodded again. "Anything else?'

I had to admit, I was running out of things after that. Part of me wanted to pick up the pencil off the end table and start balancing it, giving him the whole thirty seconds' worth, but he wasn't the kind of guy who would appreciate it.

"I guess not, sir."

" Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

" No, sir."
He sort a stared at me for a long time , as if thinking about it.

" Why did you asky son to the dance?" He finally said.

" I don't know what you mean, sir."

" You're not planning to do anything to ...... embarrassed him, are you?"

" No sir," I said quickly, shocked by the accusation. "Not at all. I needed someone to go with, and I asked him. It's as simple as that."

" You don't have any pranks planned?"

"No, sir. I wouldn't do that to him....."

This went on for a few more minutes his grilling me about my true intentions. I mean but luckily jimin stepped out of the back room, and his father and I both turned out head at the same moment. Mr.park finally stopped talking, I sigh of relief . He was wearing a beautiful white shirt which had some designs and a black pant. He was looking beautiful i never show this side of him.

"You're not giving Taehyung a hard time, are you?" He said cheerfully to his father.

"We were just visiting," i said quickly before he had a chance to respond. For some reason I didn't think he'd told jimin about the kind of person he thought i was, and i didn't think that now would be a good time.

"Well, we should probably go," he said after a moment. I think he sensed the tension in the room.

I started the car and headed towards the high school, with the conversation I'd just had with mr. Park running through my mind.

"My father doesn't like you very much," he said, as if knowing what I was thinking.

I nodded without saying anything.

"He thinks you are irresponsible."

I nodded again.

"He doesn't like your father much, either."

I nodded once more.

" Or your family"

I get the picture.

"But do you know what I think?" he asked suddenly.

"Not really." By then I was pretty depressed.

"I think that all this was in the lord's plan somehow."

Here we go, i thought to myself.

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