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The first thing we did was talk to miss lee about our plans for children of orphanage, and she thought it was a marvelous idea. That was her favourite word, by the way- marvelous - after she'd greeted you with "Hellooooo." On Monday, when she realised that I knew my all dance step, she said, "marvelous!" and for the next two hours whenever I finish up, she'd say it again. By the end of rehearsal, I'd heard it about four zillion time.

But miss lee actually went out idea one better. She told the class what we were doing, she asked if other participants would be willing to do their parts as well, so the children could enjoy the whole thing. The way she asked meant that they really didn't have a choice, and she looked around the class, waiting for someone to nod so she could made it official. No one moved a muscle, except for Eddie. Somehow he inhaled a bug up his nose at that  exact moment, and he sneezed violently. The bug flew out of his nose, shot across his desk, and landed on the floor right by normal leg. She jumped out of her chair and screamed out loud, and the people on the either side of her shouted, "Eww . . . gross!" The rest of class started looking around and craning their necks, trying to see what happened, and for the next ten seconds there was total pandemonium in the classroom. For miss lee, that was as good of an answer as she needed.

"Marvelous," she said, closing the discussion.

During a break in rehearsal jimin pulled me aside and thanked me. "I want this Christmas to be the most special one of all." He said.

"Why is this Christmas so important?" I asked him, and he smiled patiently, as if I'd asked a question that didn't really matter.

"It just is," he said simply.

The next step was to talk it over with mr. Choi the director of the orphanage. We'd meeting him later that evening. I was sort of worried that i wasn't dressed nice enough. I know it was an orphanage, but a guy wantz to make a good impression. Even though I was not excited about it as jimin was (no one was as excited as jimin).

Before we went to orphanage for our meeting, we had to walk to my house to pick up my mom's car, and while there, i planned on changing into something a little nicer. The walking took ten minutes or so, and jimin didn't say much along the way, at least until we got toy neighborhood. The himes around mine were all large and well kept, and he asked who lived where and how old the houses  were. I answered his question without much thought, but when I opened the front door to my house, i suddenly realised how different this world was compared with his own. He had a shocked expression on his face as he looked around the living room, taking in his surroundings.

No doubt it was the fanciest home he'd ever been in. I saw his eyes travel to the painting that lined in walls, then turned his attention to the furnishings, which looked practically new, even after twenty years. The furniture had been handmade, assemble or craved from mahogany and cheery, and designs especially for each room.

I showed him around, though, giving him a quick tour of the sitting room, the library, and the family room, jimin eyes growing wider with each room and it was really fun to see his reaction. My mom was spinning a mint julep and reading, heard us poking around. She come back to say hello.

I think I told you that every adult in town adored jimin, that including my mom. So they talked a while I was upstairs rifling through my closet for a clean shirt. When I came back down the stairs fully dressed, jimin had already told my mom about the plan.

"It's a wonderful idea," jimin said, beaming at me.
"Taehyung's really got a special heart."
My mom - after making sure she'd heard jimin correctly - faced me with her eyebrows raised. She stared at me like I was a alien.

"So this was your idea?" My mom asked. Like everyone else in the town, she knew jimin didn't lie.
   I cleared my throat, thinking of Jungkook and what I still wanted to do to him.
"Kind of," I said.
"Amazing." It was only word she could get out. She didn't know the details, but she knew I must have been boxed into a corner to do something like this. Mothers always know stuff like that, and i could see her peering closely at me and trying to figure it out. To escape her inquisitive gaze, i checked my watch, feigned surprise, and casually mentioned to jimin that we'd better be going. My mom got the car keys from her pocketbook and handed them to me, still giving me the once over as we headed out the door. I breathed a sigh of relief, imagining that I'd somehow gotten away with something, but as I walked jimin to the car. I heard my mother's voice again.
"Come on over anytime, jimin!" My mom shouted. "You always welcome here."

Even mother could stick it to you sometimes. I was still shaking my head as I got in the car.
"Your mother's a wonderful lady," jimin said.
I started the engine. "Yeah," I said, 'i guess so."
" And your house is beautiful."
" Uh-huh."
" You should count your blessings."
" Oh," I said," I do. I'm practically the luckiest guy alive."

Somehow he didn't catch the sarcastic tone of my voice.

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