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Park jimin was a nice boy. He really was. Our town was small enough That it had only one elementary school, so we'd been in the same classes our entire lives, and I'd be lying if I said I never talked to him. Once in second grade, he'd sat in the seat next to me for the whole year, we'd even had a few conversation, but it didn't mean that I spent a lot of time hanging out with him in my spare time, even back then. Who I saw in school was one thing;who I saw after school was something completely different and Jimin had never been on my social calendar.

It's not that jimin was unattractive don't get me wrong. He wasn't hideous or anything like that but jimin wasn't exactly what I consider attractive, either. Despite the fact that he was thin, with honey blonde hair and soft brown eyes most of the time he looked sort of plain, and that was when you noticed him at all. Jimin didn't care much about outward appearance because he was always looking for things like "inner beauty" he usual wear a sweatshirt and a plaid pants, we used to think it was just a phase and that he'd eventually grow out of it, but he never had. Even though our first three years of high school, he hadn't changed at all. The only thing that had changed was the size of his clothes.

But it wasn't just the way jimin looked that made him different;it was also the way he acted. Jimin didn't spend any time hanging out or going to slumber parties with other boys.
Jimin carried his books wherever he went, if his looks didn't keep the boys or girls away, his books sure as heck did. Jimin seemed to enjoy it in a way that was completely foreign to me. Jimin didn't stop here, jimin believed it was important to help others, and helping others is exactly what he did. He volunteered at the orphanage he spent part of his summer painting outside of an elderly neighbours house he stop traffic to help little kids cross the road he was, in other word, the kind of boy who make the other look bad, and whenever he glanced my way, i couldn't help but feel guilty, even though i hadn't done anything wrong. Nor did jimin limit his good deeds to people. If he ever came across a wounded animal, for instance, he'd try to help it, too squirrels , dogs, cats, frogs it didn't matter to him.

With jimin everything was in the lord's plan that was another thing. The baseball game's rained out? Must be lord plan to prevent something worse from happening. A surprise trigonometry quiz that everyone in the class fails? must be lord's plan to give us challenges. Anyway you get the picture.

Despite all these other strikes though, the one thing that really drove me crazy about him was the fact that he was was always so damn cheerful, matter what was happening around him. I swear, that boy never said a bad thing about anything or anyone even to those who weren't that nice to him. They'd say "the world would be better place if there were more people like him."
But my friends and i didn't quite see it that way. In our minds, one park jimin was plenty.

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