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In the two weeks following the homecoming dance my life pretty much returned to normal. Well, Jungkook and me were out there one Saturday night with a couple of others friends eating and talking when Jungkook asked me how my "date" went with jimin. He and I hadn't seen of each other since the homecoming dance because the football season was already in the playoffs and Jungkook had been out of town tha past few weekends with the team.

"It was okay" I said, shrugging, doing my best to play it cool.

Jungkook playfully elbowed me in the ribs, and i grunted. He outweighed me by at least thirty pounds.

"Did you kiss him good night?"


"I would have thought that after he helped you clean the bathroom, you would have atleast kisses him good night."

"Well, I didn't."

" Did you even try? "

" No "

" Why not?"

" He's not that kind of boy," i said, and even though we all knew it was true, it still sounded like I was defending him.

Jungkook latched on to that like a leech.

"I think you like him," he said.

"You're full of crap," i answered, and he slapped my back, hard enough to force the breath right out of me. Hanging out with Jungkook usually meant that I'd have a few bruises the following day

"Yeah, i might be full of crap," he said, winking at me, "but you're the one who's smitten with park jimin."

The thing was, jimin was probably the best date i could have had that night, especially considering how the evening turned out. Not many dates heck not many people period would have done what he did. At the same time, him being a good date didn't mean I liked him. I hadn't talk to him at all since the dance. If i liked him at all, I told myself, i would have wanted to talk to him. If i liked him, i would offered to walk him home. But i didn't want to do any of those things. I really didn't.

The next Sunday, i was in my room, working on my application for University. In addition to the transcript from my high school and other personal information, they required five essay of the usual type.

Anyway, I was writing one of my essay when the phone rang. I picked up the phone i couldn't make out the voice too well, though it sounded like Jennie. I immediately smiled to myself. Even though she'd been sick all over the place and I'd had to clean it up, she was actually pretty fun to be around most of the time. I figured she was probably calling to thank me.


"Oh hey," I said, playing it cool, "what's going on?"

There was a short pause on the other end.

"How are you?"

It was then that i suddenly realised i wasn't speaking to Jennie. Instead it was jimin, and i almost dropped the phone. I can't say that I was happy about hearing from him.


"I'm fine," i finally blurted out, still in shock.

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"Sort of "

"Oh . . . . . I see . . . . ." He said trailing off. He paused again.

"Why are you calling me?" I asked.

It took him few seconds to get the words out.

"Well . . . . . . I just wanted to know if you wouldn't mind coming by a little later this afternoon."

"Coming by?"

"Yes. To my house."

"Your house?" I didn't even try to disguise the growing surprise in my voice. Jimin ignored it and went on

"There's something I want to talk to you about. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"Can't you just tell me over the phone?"

"I'd rather not."

"Well, I'm working on my college application essay all afternoon," I said, trying to get out of it.

"Oh . . . . . Well. . . . . Like I said, it's important, but i suppose I can talk to you Monday at school. . . . ."

With that, i suddenly realised that he wasn't going to let me off the hook and that we'd end up talking one way to other. my brain suddenly clicked through the scenarios as i tried to figure out which one i should do talk to him where my friends would see is or talk at his house. Through neither option particularly good, there was something in the back of my mind, reminding me that he'd helped me out when I'd  really needed it, and the least i could do was to listen to what he had to say. I may be irresponsible, but I'm a nice irresponsible, if I do say so myself.

Ofcourse, that didn't mean everyone else had to know about it.

"No," I said, "today is fine. . . ."

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