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It was November, and the temperature was finally cooling down. I made it to jimin's house right on time and knocked on his door. Jimin answered it, and a quick peek inside revealed that mr. Park wasn't around. We sat in the sofa again, without anything to drink. The sun was beginning to lower itself in the sky. This time I didn't have to move.

"Thank you for coming, Taehyung," he said. "I know you're busy, but i appreciate your taking the time to do this."

"So, what's so important?" I said, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.

     Jimin, for the first time since I'd known him, actually looked nervous as he sat with me. He kept bringing his hands together and pulling them apart.

" I wanted to ask you a favor," he said seriously.

" A favor? "

He nodded

It took a few seconds for him to get the words out.

He sighed, his hands coming together again.
" I'd like to ask you if you wouldn't mind being my partner at school dance performance for Christmas," she said.

So basically there's a dance performance for Christmas at our school and jimin is main dancer for the performance and he wants to pair up with me.

"Well . . .  I don't know," I said, confused." I thought jihyun  was going to be your partner. That's what miss lee told us."

Jihyun was a lot look like taemin, by the way he was really skinny . He had a nervous tic, and he could not help but squinch his eyes whenever he got nervous which was practically all the time. Miss lee let him jimin partner because he'd been the only one who offered to do it, but even then it obvious he didn't want him either. Teachers were human, too but she didn't have much of an option, since no one is coming forward.

" Can't someone else do it instead?"

But there wasn't anyone else, I knew  it because there were fifty senior boys at our high school, twenty two of whom were on the football team, and the team still in the running for the state title, none of them would have the time to go to the rehearsal. Of the thirty or so were left, more than half in the band and thay had after school practice as well. A quick calculation showed that there were maybe a dozen other people who could possibly do it.

Now, i didn't want to do it all, the thing was, i'd already taken jimin to homecoming, and i just couldn't bear the thought that I'd have to spend every afternoon with him for the next month or so. Being seen with him once was bad enough. . . But being seen with him everyday?
What would my friends say?

But i could tell this was really important to him. The simple fact that he'd asked made that clear. Jimin never asked anyone for favor. I think deep down he suspected that
no one would ever do him a favor because of who he was. The very realisation made me sad.

"What about jeff? He might do it," i offered.
Jimin shook his head. "He can't. His father's sick, and he has to work in the store after school until his father
get back on his feet."

"What about Rose ?"
" She broke his arm last week when she slipped on the boat. Her arm is in sling."

" Really? I didn't know that," I said but jimin knew what I was doing.

" I've been praying about it, Taehyung," he said simply, and sighed for the second time. " I'd really like to dance and make this year special.

He stopped again before going on, his  voice becoming more emotional as he went on.

" I know Jihyun would do the best he could, i really do. And I'm not embarrassed to dance with him, i'm really not. Actually he's a very nice person, but he told me that he's having second thoughts about doing it. Sometimes people at school can be so. . . so . . . Cruel, and i don't want jihyun to be hurt.

I nodded, my lips pressed together, knowing that i would have been one of those people she was talking about. In fact, i already was. Jimin and jihyun the dynamic duo, we called them after miss lee had announced that they'd be the one doing the roles. The very fact that it was I who had started it up made me feel terrible, almost sick to my stomach.

He straightened up a little in his seat and looked ate sadly, as if he already knew I was going to say no i guess he didn't know how I was feeling. He went on.

"I am not forcing you to do it with me," he said but will you think about it?"

" I don't have to think about it," i finally said. "I'll do it."

I really didn't have a choice, did I ?

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