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Top : Jeonghan

Type : Cute, soft

kikolumious here your request ~


Joshua finally finishes his day, he's completely exhausted, it doesn't seem like it but educating and teaching children is tiring, even if the end of each day is expected, he still loves his job, teaching and sharing his knowledge is something he always enjoys, he knows for sure that from the start to the end it's the job he's going to do for life because he really loves it.

After all the students have left his classroom, Joshua exits, locks his door and walks out of the building. He's about to leave, but sees one of his students standing at the gate, a little pout on his lips and with sadness in his eyes. The American frowns, he doesn't understand what's going on, this student is gentle and kind, calm and well-behaved, he seriously wonders why he's staying there.

Slowly, Joshua approaches the little boy and kneels down at his level, the pupil blinks and sighs, he hesitates and then finally takes Joshua in his arms, the American smiles gently, it's not unusual for him and his pupils to have physical contact, the black-haired boy is really close to the little ones and that's what the children like most about their teacher.

" Daddy he abandoned me, he won't come for me anymore, he forgot me, he doesn't love me anymore."

" Baby, don't think like that, I'm sure your daddy will come, don't lose hope okay ? "

The young child nods and the American pulls the boy away from his arms, then decides to carry him to the bench right next to the establishment, once there Joshua sits down and settles the little one on his legs, he rocks him gently and the young boy eventually closes his eyes and falls asleep in Joshua's arms.

A few minutes later, Joshua hears a voice full of concern, the teacher looks up and sees one of Korea's most renowned CEOs, Yoon Jeonghan.

"Oh my... thank you so much for taking care of my baby. I finished much too late, but I won't forget, I assure you."

" Don't worry Mr.Yoon, it was my pleasure to take care of Chan, he's adorable as a little one."

" Don't call me Mr.Yoon, I've finished my work, outside my agency I'd like to be known only as Jeonghan okay ? "

" Hm, okay..."

Joshua's cheeks turn red and Jeonghan's heart starts to beat faster. Honestly, it's not the first time he's seen his son's teacher and he's always found him very attractive, but he's never paid attention to the frantic rhythm of his heart at the sight of Joshua because he doesn't have time to think about anything other than his son and his work.

Nevertheless, now that it's evening, his work is done and his son is sleeping peacefully in the arms of the person he's attracted to, he feels like letting himself go, so he sits down next to Joshua on the bench and strokes his child's hair with eyes full of love and tenderness.

" Did he cry himself to sleep ? His cheekbones are wet. "

" Hm, he thought you'd abandoned him so he started crying. "

" I'm the worst father in the world, my poor baby, I really have to put him first and my work has to come second."

" I understand your situation, but it's true that Chan is sensitive he has lots of friends and is very well surrounded, but some people make fun of him because they think he doesn't have a mother."

 JiHan | one-shot ( book II )Where stories live. Discover now