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Top : Jeonghan

Type : Angst and cute


Jeonghan and Jisoo have been a little couple for a few months now, their duo is loved and appreciated by some but hated by others, these people jealous of their chemistry and the love they bring to each other try by all possible means to separate them, to destroy them, to make them separate, every day rumors circulate in the establishment about them, some saying that one has cheated on the other, some saying that they don't make a good couple, some saying that Jeonghan uses Jisoo just to drain his balls and nothing else.

Today is no exception to the rule, as soon as Jisoo sets foot in his establishment, he's stopped by a boy named Chan, this young man is his best friend and he only wants his elder to be happy, nevertheless this morning there seems to be a huge problem, the younger man's breathing is audible and jerky, he's trembling with fear and he seems to want to protect Jisoo while protecting himself, which is really strange because Chan never acts like this.

" Channie ? "

" Come with me, I'll explain what's going on in more detail a little further on."

The American blinks and doesn't understand, he follows his friend anyway, and the two boys arrive indeed in a small isolated corner, here they're sure no one will come to disturb them and look for them, they're sure they'll be alone and that's what Chan wanted anyway, for them to be alone.

" Channie ? What's going on ? Why do we have to hide this morning ? "

" I'm protecting you as best I can, you're still being put in rumors of a couple with a girl, Somin ? I think that's it, she acclaims that it's the truth and she's looking for you. On the other side you have Jeonghan's lovers who want to kill you, I saw one with a knife in her hand, I'm scared for you okay ?! "

Jisoo senses that his friend is telling the truth, so he takes the youngest in his arms, then Chan sees a crazy woman coming with her knife, he detaches himself from Jisoo's arms and stands in front of him to hide and protect him.

" Move the bug if you don't want to be killed instead of this asshole."

" I sacrifice myself for him, if you want to kill him you're going to have to kill me first ! You stupid bitch."

" I refuse to let you sacrifice yourself for me Chan..." Said Jisoo, rising to his feet.

" Nobody's going to sacrifice themselves, get out of here ! " Jeonghan shouted at the girls, who left in fear.

Chan, feeling that the situation is under control, decides to leave Jisoo with Jeonghan, while he goes to his own boyfriend to calm his nerves.

Jeonghan slowly approaches his lover, taking him in his arms and rocking him gently, which soothes the American. Once all his tears of stress have stopped, the young man starts to explain and the blond asks him to calm down, because he knows what's going on, it's all over the place and everyone's talking about it.

The younger man says once again that he doesn't know this girl, that he doesn't want anything to do with her and that the only person in his heart is Jeonghan and no one else, he doesn't want to love anyone other than his eldest anyway, he wants the boy to be his first and last love and he will be no matter what.

 JiHan | one-shot ( book II )Where stories live. Discover now