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Top : Jeonghan

Type : Angst, cute

N/A : For the person who wanted this !!


After his speech for UNESCO, Joshua is a little upset and disappointed, everything was going well until people started mentioning the JeongCheol at every opportunity, many even asking if they are a couple, or even married, and this deeply irritates the young man, but as usual he says nothing. He simply moves away from his two elders and stays with Chan. The maknae is annoyed himself, because all his talk about JeongCheol is getting on his nerves, so he and Joshua understand each other and decide to ignore their boyfriends and stay together.

They stay in their corner until they're called to do a challenge, which Chan has to do with Vernon to his great delight, while Joshua has to do with Jeonghan, and frankly, he'd normally be happy to do challenges with his boyfriend, but after all the talk about JeongCheol, he's not really in the mood. In fact, he even asked their PD nim if he could do it with someone other than Jeonghan, but the PD nim refused gently.

So the two men find themselves together doing the challenge, they slap hands while looking at each other and Jeonghan brings Joshua closer to him and places a kiss on his cheek, well at least he tries because Joshua instantly pulls back and Jeonghan looks at him saying: Why ?
The young man shakes his head negatively and rolls his eyes, then leaves with the other members and Jeonghan follows him, sensing that there's something wrong with his boyfriend so he tries to understand.

At the end of the day, Jeonghan runs after Joshua, who is doing his best to stay away from his eldest, but he can't get away from him at all, his eldest is literally glued to him, and Jeonghan tells his boyfriend that Paris is the capital of the country, but also the capital of love, a city made for them. At the end of his sentence, Jeonghan places a kiss on Joshua's cheek and calls him " Baby ". The younger man tries to calm the frantic rhythm of his heart and tells his elder that they can't do this, there are fans everywhere here and they mustn't see this.

Jeonghan rolls his eyes and gets his boyfriend to stay in his arms, but even though he keeps gesticulating to get out of his elder's embrace, he doesn't let go, and keeps calling him "Baby" all the time, Joshua finally calms down and enjoys Jeonghan's arms. The blond smiles tenderly when he senses that his lover is letting go, and takes advantage of this to ask his boyfriend why he ignored him earlier in the day.

Joshua is very reluctant to say what's going on, but slowly turns his head and sees Chan in Seungcheol's arms. From the look on the maknae's face, the younger man doesn't appreciate this moment, whereas he's usually the one trying to stick to the leader all the time. Chan turns his head towards Joshua, and when the two friends' eyes meet, they understand each other and say to themselves that they owe it to themselves to say what's really going on.

Slowly, Joshua gets Jeonghan to let go of him, and as the older man does, the younger takes the opportunity to turn towards his elder, wrapping his arms around the blond's shoulders and sighing as he closes his eyes, Jeonghan quickly places a chaste kiss on his forehead, then on the tip of his nose and finishing with the corner of the younger man's lips, Joshua opens his eyes at this point and instinctively steps back.

Jeonghan asks him why every time they kiss, he steps back even though he doesn't usually do this, and Joshua replies that they're outside in front of the effeil tower, crowded with fans who love JeongCheol to death. Upon hearing this, Jeonghan immediately understands the situation, smiles softly and takes his boyfriend's face in his hands, saying straight to his eyes: I only love you, baby.

Then he lays a kiss on his boyfriend's lips, a kiss that's even deeper than the previous one. At first Joshua tries to run away, but Jeonghan prevents him from doing so, holding him firmly and teasing Joshua's lower lip with his tongue. Joshua finally gives in, finally closing his eyes and gently opening his mouth, his elder's tongue automatically slides into his mouth cavity and their two pink muscles play together, Joshua's hands take refuge in his elder's hair and his elder's hands slowly move under Joshua's T-shirt.

The youngest shivers at this as the Parisian wind comes to chill him, he slowly opens his eyes and gently pushes his boyfriend away, he asks him while recovering his breath to remove his hands from where they are and Jeonghan does so, placing his hands on his boyfriend's ass. Joshua grunts and starts to blush, but it's a good thing it's completely dark and nobody can really see what's going on, because Jeonghan doesn't mind.

As the blond went to kiss his boyfriend again, a voice in the distance called out to them, it was their leader telling them it was time for them to go and sleep at the hotel. The blond looks at his boyfriend and Seungcheol again says "sleep" at the hotel and not anything else, they're on a very busy schedule and need their sleep. They'll be able to do what they want once they're back in South Korea, but not before.

Jeonghan sighs and then says aloud that Paris is the capital of love, so if he feels like making love to Joshua, he'll do it. The world around seems to stop, no more noise is heard, obviously the sentence Jeonghan has just said is echoing in the heads of the French, the tourists but above all in those of the members, the group's love affairs were supposed to remain secret but apparently it's no longer possible to keep it secret.

Jeonghan takes Joshua's hand in his and intertwines their fingers together, he says more calmly that he loves Joshua with all his heart, that he's not a member like any other it's the one his heart has chosen, this announcement may upset some people but he won't change his point of view, his heart and mind have chosen Joshua and it will stay that way. The rumors about him and Seungcheol have to stop because they don't make any sense, they do more harm than good, such fantasies can be fun at first, but in the long run they seriously start to get annoying and break Joshua's and Chan's hearts, who doubt day by day whether their relationship is really the best one.

And he finishes by saying that, for everyone's sake, it might be time to put the right people together, him with Joshua and Seungcheol with Chan, it's something that's just the way it is and will remain so no matter what anyone else thinks. Everyone is speechless at this revelation, but Jeonghan feels relieved to have finally said what he was thinking, he drags Joshua with him and tells the members that it's all right, they can go back to the hotel. Surprisingly, on the way back, nobody talks about what's just happened, but the members are laughing, chatting and having fun. They're completely relaxed and happy, and in the end this little day that had some complicated twists and turns ends really well.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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