Imperfect love

249 13 13

Top : Jeonghan

Type : Cute

Side ship : ChanCheol, SoonHoon


Jeonghan has been flirting with Joshua for a few months now, making no secret of his feelings for the youngest of his class, but the young American is completely unaware of them. If the black-haired boy is honest with himself, he knows he has feelings for Jeonghan too. Nevertheless, there are several reasons why he refuses to accept Jeonghan feelings and refuse to be a couple with him.

The first reason is the simplest, they're totally different, Jeonghan is so loved and popularized that he doesn't want to ruin all that, plus he's sure to receive hatred from everywhere, as he already does for being hit on by Jeonghan, so if they're ever a couple, his life will become nothing but a nightmare.

At the moment, the young American is sitting in a secluded corner of the establishment, quietly reading a book, and then he sees his book darken, a sign that someone is hiding the sun from him. When he looks up, he sees Jeonghan looking at him a little nastily.

" What's the matter, Jeonghan ? Why are you looking at me like that ? "

Jeonghan simply sits down next to Joshua without saying a word, takes the boy's book and replaces it with his head, closes his eyes as he finds a comfortable position and begins to stroke one of the American's thighs with one of his hands.

This sudden proximity makes the younger man blush, and he slowly runs one of his hands through his hair, then places the same hand on Jeonghan's hand as he strokes his thigh.

" Hannie-ya... "

" Soo-ya. I don't know why you always refuse to be in a relationship with me... you really don't love me like I love you ? "

The black-haired boy swallows, he can't even find the right words to define what's in his heart so he simply decides to keep quiet, for Jeonghan this silence speaks volumes about the boy's feelings and this makes him feel bad.

" I'll stop forcing you Shuji-ya, but I don't think I can stay friends with you anymore. "

Jeonghan slowly lifts his head from Joshua's legs and plunges his gaze into the American's. The black-haired boy's eyes are filled with tears, and the Korean's also begin to fill with tears.

" It reminds me of Soonyoung and Jihoon's relationship. "

" Why do you say that Shuji-ya ? They're a couple, you know..."

" Yes, but at first Jihoon refused to accept Soonyoung's feelings because he thought it was an imperfect love."

" Joshua..don't tell me you feel the same way ? "

" Let's be honest with ourselves. We're different, you're rich and I'm poor, you're popular and I'm a nerd. You're loved by all and I'm loved by few. Your parents will think I only love you for your money, my parents don't like people from your class. It's also an imperfect love our love story is doomed to failure. "

" You know bambi, you always think too much, just listen to your heart and..."

Joshua sighs and places his hands on Jeonghan's cheeks, then places his lips on the blond's. At first, the blond doesn't react and blinks his eyes a few times, but as he senses Joshua continuing the exchange, he accepts the kiss and kisses the younger man back.

 JiHan | one-shot ( book II )Where stories live. Discover now