Kiss me baby

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Top : Joshua

Type : Cute and soft


The three older members of Seventeen spend their time together, except that for a while now Seungcheol, the older of the three members of the 95 line, seems to be pulling away from them and giving them space. Obviously both Joshua and Jeonghan have tried to understand what's going on, but Seungcheol has simply said that for the future it's necessary for the trio to become a duo, and he's volunteering to leave JiHan alone, as the fans say, plus he have to take care of all the members and not only of Joshua and Jeonghan. The two youngers have understand even if sometimes they feel loney without their leader.

At the moment, Jeonghan is in Joshua's arms and they're comfortably ensconced in the older man's bed - well, lately it's really become their bed, as they sleep in it together every night, and spend almost all their free time cuddling in bed.

Jeonghan has his head positioned on Joshua's chest and he sighs repeatedly, he can't get Seungcheol out of his head, he misses the older of the 95 line, and seeing him ignore and run away from him is starting to get to his head and above all to his heart.

Without even trying to control his emotions, he lets it all out, his pain, his suffering, his lack of affection and love from the leader, Joshua quickly understands that something is wrong as he feels his shirt getting wet.

" Hannie-ya ? Hey, what's going on ? Why did you cry hm ? "

" Shuji-ya, I miss Cheol so much... I feel like a part of me is being taken away. Why is he doing this ? "

" I miss him too you know, but he have right to do so, he's the leader and have to be there for all of us."

" I know but he forget about us right now."

" I don't think so baby, Cheol are here for us and he's going to be here for us eternally."

Jeonghan gently lifts his head from Joshua's chest and his tear-filled eyes meet the younger worry-filled ones, the younger one gently straightens and comes to take Jeonghan in his arms, of course the oldet one returns the embrace and his heart soothes as he feels the many kisses the younger places on his neck.

Gently, Joshua pulls Jeonghan away from him, and once again lets his eyes meet Jeonghan's, his fingers wiping away the tears that are rolling down the older man's cheeks, the younger smiles to relax the older, and it works perfectly well because, Jeonghan have now a tiny little smile on his lips.

Joshua is happy, it's not a very sparkling smile, but it's better than salty pearls, and without even realizing it, his gaze comes to rest on Jeonghan's lips.

" Shuji-ya, you can kiss me you know I've been wanting to for a long time too. " Say Jeonghan's, with a shy little voice.

Joshua's gaze rises and he sees the older man's cheeks slightly flushed, he smiles gently and comes to take Jeonghan's face between his two hands, he brings his lips close to the blond's but he doesn't kiss him.

" Why don't you kiss me ? Don't you want to ? " Jeonghan are very surprised, it's the first time Joshua do that.

" Yes, I want to, but mostly I want you to kiss me. So kiss me baby for once."

The older man swallows hard, leaving his shyness behind and placing a little peck on Joshua's lips, the younger is surprised by this quick exchange, he was expecting something more profound, but if this is all Jeonghan wants, then he accepts and will do nothing more.

 JiHan | one-shot ( book II )Where stories live. Discover now